Reviews for Solace
PrussiaReTurns chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
Dude you haven't read the book?
fshdgjdhf YOU NEED TO! They're so cannon believe me

*-* gosh this is so cute... too cute... the hug escene is just too... fgfdfsdhghj.
Gyp Dark chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
Looooooooove 333333 simply beautiful. Absolutely wonderful portrayal of their friendship and the protective nature of their relationship. Splendid work; so, so nicely written, paced and sculpted. Fantastic job!
Rosebud5 chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
OH GASP! Hon, I read this forever and a day ago and completely forgot to review! Well, I just want to let you know I LOVED this fic! And no, I see no slash. I hate it when people can't see two people of the same gender with a close relationship without going "ZOMG SLASH!" This was an AMAZING fic!

We haven't talked for a while, have we? No, we haven't! I published a new Dodger fic called "The Super Secret Diary of the Artful Dodger" if you'd like to check it out! Also, will you update your "Repentant" fic soon? I miss updates on that!


Hope you reply/PM me! I miss talking to ya!

Tia Paes chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Once again, a great fic! I really adore Nancy, she is one of my favorite characters of all time (her death really affected me for some reason), so I'm really happy that you included her in here!