Obliwar85 chapter 4 . 1/20/2010
Well after losing internet connection for a month and taking some time to enjoy high speed internet, I have finally read the latest chapter of this pokemon saga and I was not disappointed. The battles were a little short, and dont seem to show much trainer involvement aside from cheering, but still quite nice and easy enough to visualize. I look forward to any further chapters that may come. Keep up the good work.
James chapter 4 . 12/31/2009
this is really good. I really enjoy it. Keep up the great work.
James chapter 3 . 12/31/2009
sweet chapt6er. I really enjoyed it. It was neat to see a person fight a pokemon. Which was never done before. Good concept.
James chapter 2 . 12/31/2009
pretty cool chapter. Ghastly and Haunter are good choices.
JamesRock chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
That was a good story. I really enjoyed it. Nice work. Too bad Beni couldn't sock the princess. That b*h deserved it.
Obliwar chapter 3 . 12/5/2009
And so the two paths have converged. A good chapter that raised several questions for me. Were Poke'mon only called such once apricorns came into use, since giant stone balls are most definitely not pocket sized? What makes eating a trout any better than eating a remoraid or a barboach? Why in the show after episode one, do they never or at least very rarely, show any non Poke'mon animals? Anyway, a good chapter like I said and I thank you both for your fine work. May good fortune come to you both in your future literary endeavors.
Obliwar chapter 2 . 12/2/2009
Wow, talk about a teenage rebellion and what insane parents. You have made quite a funny chapter and reminded me of apricorn pokeballs from silver/gold. I was wondering how they would bring the pokemon around with them, without creating a ruckus. Nice chapter, I look forward to the next.
Obliwar chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Very interesting. I do not think I have read a pokemon fanfic before. I was a little surprised by the darker tone, but found it more realistic and enjoyable. I applaud you on making a character that I can hate so greatly in only a single chapter. I was also happy to see one of my favorite grass pokemon, which served me well in Diamond. I look forward to the next chapter and hopefully the many more to follow it. ::bows out of respect::
Greencrayon chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
I enjoyed this, it's very different.

Please update soon!