Reviews for Nightmare
Ash uh ley chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
Holy flipping Shiz! You've read Maximum Ride too? Wow.
Madigan Keen chapter 2 . 7/10/2010
That's so sad! The little girl on the table is Nudge and the boy with Jeb is Iggy, huh! (Sorry for stating the obvious) I thought at first that the boy was Ari, but then you said "strawberry blonde hair" and the, yeah...

Keep writing!

Madigan Keen chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
This story sounds so awesome! I'm trying really hard to picture Max and Fang, but I'm having troubles. I can't think of a face to put on them. Help!
Cookie Master's Apprentice chapter 2 . 11/29/2009
Yet another outstanding story! I love your angsty stories.
NothingButTrouble chapter 2 . 11/24/2009
Good, good. In character the whole way through. Definitely doesn't deserve the amount of reviews (or, more accurately, lack of reviews) it has. Loved the Iggy thing, and the Nudge bit made me angry. The little kid fax was really cute; you should expand on it. Love how the dialogue flows and all the description. You could try, however, to use themes. See, you introduce the theme in the opening sentence, weave it into the plot, then conclude with a restating of that theme. It really makes the story haunt your thought patterns, really makes you think. Otherwise, a spectacular job! Wonderful! Magnificent!

