Reviews for Life Goes On
susan salvatore chapter 3 . 8/18/2010
hey please update soon it's really good please update now
Carliisubbercute chapter 3 . 4/16/2010
i want to know what happened wiht the gun part?
JacobFan chapter 3 . 12/23/2009
Come on and update!
alelana chapter 2 . 12/21/2009
Holy crap!

What is she gonna do?

Hahaha update real soon!
Little Girlie Wolf chapter 2 . 12/20/2009
seemed rushed

all i can say

but it was good

Jake you are a dumbass for leaving leah

anyways yeah, update soon
FabiLola95 chapter 2 . 12/20/2009
Jacob's there? WTF! pliz update soon! dont keep me waiting!
Annski-x chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
i like your story! but will it be a chapter-fic or a one-shot?
Little Girlie Wolf chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
I really love it :D

But condemn Seth-y to the spawn?

no thanks.

I think she should be Nahuel's mate

update soon
sparechange1224 chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
Wow I am liking Leah and I am loving this story,. I am glad Nessie is jealous and I hope if she attempt to kill Leah I hope Jake give her a smack Chapter...Please update soon.
FabiLola95 chapter 1 . 11/26/2009
i love it.. keep it up!
Brinkyfly45 chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
u should really conitnue i loved it
Kei Jones chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
I'm with you on not liking that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Honestly, I don't think any wolf should've.

They changed the channel to... Family Guy: The Movie. It was the StarWars whatever, I didn't care. It was the scene with Peter and whatever trying to get the couch out of the whatever. I walked over to Jacob and sat on the arm of the couch. Leah and Jacob roared with laughter again and I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long night... - I remember that scene and fell out laughing. Which then prompted me to go to hulu and watch that episode. "You know what? I'm taking this couch."

Alright getting back on track. Renesmee is all sorts of bipolar. One minute she hates Leah, the next she can't help but like her and then she hates her again. I mean if anything be mad at Jacob since he kissed Leah and not the other way around.

But interesting first chapter and looking foward to your next udpate.
brankel1 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
Love Nessie imprints on Seth.
brezzybrez chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
update soon. please.
leahlover1208 chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
ooh! i like it!

jealous reneesme love it!
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