Reviews for Charlie's Angels
yourfriendlyneighborhoodturtle chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
Haha, I loved this. Nice job getting all of the dogs in character.
chaosblast321 chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
Continuity flaw:Charlie died un the first movie in new Orleans therefore his old haunt would be in new Orleans not la also not to mention all fogs go to heaven 2 was in frisco other than that nice job. But um you might want to o I don't know understand the concept your writing about, so far nice job I expect great things!( this is not a flame ut is constructive criticsism with a bite
Werewolf of Suburbia chapter 1 . 10/3/2007
Well, I've read this several times now, and I must say it seems to get funnier every time. I wish you would do a sequal, you know, show the adventures of the three misplaced "angels", maybe have Annabel find out that way or something. If nothing else, I wish you would do at least a small one-shot explaining that little thing about Rita and the song. (I have no idea what song that is, having never heard of it before. The only reason I know about Charlie's Angels, for that matter, is becuase my father has that movie somewhere...)

Well, that said, I'm adding this to my favorites and maybe, I'll find out you've put up a sequal some day. Till then!

Billy Joe-Bob Smith chapter 1 . 11/11/2005
Wow! This was perfect! Well, almost perfect. I would like to know if the three ever got back to their own homes. (I'm assuming that they did.) However, this is only a minor quibble about this fanfiction that deserves to be in some sort of Fanfiction Hall of Fame.
Nala5 chapter 1 . 11/13/2004
Cool fic.

Really random!

Please write another!

A sequal maybe!

rae Raku Ozzarian's lil sista chapter 1 . 12/26/2003
oh, i like! please continue!
AurorasFire chapter 1 . 5/13/2003
This is so great! I love ALL of the movies you mentioned in here, I've loved them ever since I was little... anyway, great work with the crossovers, very funny. And unless my eyes are deceiving me, the two security guards... are they supposed to be Scott/Cyclops from X-Men and Brittany from Daria? I don't know, if they aren't, well, they really reminded me of them. You know, it would be pretty cool to do a sequel, especially with the Charlies Angels 2 coming out this summer. Maybe you could put in a lot of hidden characters and movie references for people to find. Maybe not, but it would be cool...
61743 chapter 1 . 2/3/2003
Very cute. :)

Very worthy of a 1-hours Disney movie, yep. ;)
Risty and Silver chapter 1 . 11/18/2002
I'll tell ya who owns the Balto franchise: The one and only man who writes about an alien whose best word is 'Home'. If you don't know who I'm talking about, it's Old Steven Spielberg. You want an obvious hint?

In the first Balto movie, when their is the ice cave to get away from the avalanche, when Star(?) well, the small runty looking one, whose always trying to best the other two. WHen he's looking through the icicles. THe third icile he looks through the top bit and points a finger like ET and says 'Home'.

SO there ya go.

::cracks up laughing::

C ya.

O'Ylia chapter 1 . 11/12/2002
LMAO! Haha! Loved the story!
CrystalWolf chapter 1 . 4/2/2002
This is such a cool fic! LOL. Keep writing!
DarkHououmon chapter 1 . 2/16/2002
Very funny! _ One problem: Balto is not a disney character. I've checked the box several times and unless my eyes deceive me, Balto is a Universal character (you know, the same company that makes The Land Before Time). If you already knew about this, please ignore this post.
Shroomlet chapter 1 . 2/11/2002
That's really, really impressive! I enjoyed that a lot; everyone was in character and the dialogue was very well done. I saw a few minor grammatical errors and spelling errors (prolly typos) but asides from that it was wonderful! Keep up the good work!
Jaime H chapter 1 . 1/20/2002
Very well done! It's hard to make a crossover work so well. I loved the ending:)
thirty2flavors chapter 1 . 1/19/2002
That was awesome. O_o *Gasp* You did a /good/ crossover! O_o theres a first...
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