Reviews for Release
Loveforwolves143 chapter 39 . 12/29/2019
I really love your story. After the book was out for a couple of years and I stopped really focusing on Bella and Edward, you really see how fucked up Leah's life is. And people think she should just be okay with it?

The man she lives left her for her cousin, not by choice maybe but Sam and Emily were still both selfish in trying to keep Leah in their lives and not giving her the space she needed. Emily was wrong to get Sue involved in it.

I can understand Sue wanting her family to stick together but she also should realize how messed up to is to keep pushing her daughter into that situation constantly and not allowing her to have her own space.

And the pack! (Besides seth). They are all asswholes as well. Bringing up how Leah needs to get over Sam, how she will never imprint, how she cant have babies. And they think bringing up these things are going to make her nicer? She wasnt even provoking anyone when Jared said that! Like, really?! If any other girl was in a situation like Leah's, she could move along slowly and get along with her life! Leah doesn't have the option because of her "responsibilities".
Loveforwolves143 chapter 19 . 12/29/2019
Ohhhh I just love Billy LMAO
Furrina chapter 27 . 1/22/2018
I m so glad the conversation with Emily went the way it did. I don't like it authors just forgive and forget and make them into happy families for no good reason...
Furrina chapter 21 . 1/22/2018
Personally, I don't rather she remind Sam and Emily to set themselves on fire every so often while going about her life as usual, coz that's what I do... Also coz I have absolutely no interest in what that piece of shit entitled woman-abusing jackass and his enabler have to say...maybe she could have poisoned the muffins she keeps feeding him but she didn' Leah has absolutely no reason to accept or tolerate her.
Furrina chapter 9 . 1/21/2018
Fuck yeah, Leah... Take ur life back, bitch!
Furrina chapter 8 . 1/21/2018
I know exactly how Leah feels... These I leave only, and only, for my sister. Coz the guilt of not being there for when I needed her (she has her life, don't blame her at all) will eat her alive and I don't want that. Everyone else, including my parents, can burn in hell.
Furrina chapter 7 . 1/21/2018
Forced to be living after ur suicide attempt is a lot freeing...I would know.
anon chapter 39 . 7/18/2016
amazing tbh read the whole thing in a day (i've been glued to my phone). i loved the way you portrayed Leah in this and the plot was great too... u put humour, drama, tragedy (i almost cried when i thought Leahs baby was still-born) and a cute romance in one story which rarely happens! i LOVE that leah sam and Emily didn't end up heating each other... also love that you barely talked about the Cullens and bella in the story... honestly the vampire dead sperm thing bothers me so much and how the hell can jake imprint on a hybrid i hated meyer for doing that! again, i loved the way you portrayed leah and how she stayed in La Push and has a career and a family and is a strong woman! also loved that there arent any plot holes (unlike the original twilight) but ya ok this is super long anyways to conclude, it was great! :)
anon chapter 21 . 7/18/2016
this was a cute chapter its nice to read something with sam and leah being civil towards each other bc all the other fics consist of her constantly being horrible to him (vice versa) and lol at billy's talk omg... also the rape joke at the end is not cool at all and u should probably edit that out pls its offensive and could be triggering for some readers... other than that im excited to see what the condition is!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
He was in this message and then you have any attachments may contain privileged information contained herein and then we can get it to see if we can be able to see you have a few months ago but it was in this is not sure that is not just wanted you
brynn.brigham chapter 9 . 10/26/2014
Go Leah! Take that Emily!
august98 chapter 39 . 9/27/2014
This story was brilliant! You should become a writer because everything about it was perfect and well written! Please write more Leah Jacob pairings because it was absolutely beautiful. I laughed, I almost cried and I loved it. Fantastic work!
Ambie chapter 39 . 8/30/2014
Hi there!

I just wanted you to know that this story was really awesome. I agree with you about how Jake and Leah are often written, and it makes me happy to see your work reflect that opinion. Great job!

Email: ambernwoods1
Cris Turner chapter 39 . 7/10/2014
I loved this story. Adorable. Every chapter has a surprise. Congratulations. This one is an amazing fanfiction.
Daughter of the hearth chapter 21 . 6/26/2014
On one of the stories though you are going to do that RIGHT
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