Reviews for Secret Identity
Guest chapter 2 . 12/22/2016
Wonder how Warp will react to discovering his boss is a girl
NintendoNate1 chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
Oh my gosh... Kim's revealation is so deep in the second chapter...
theriddler32 chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
Uh, dude, I don't mean to be harsh, but Zurg is Buzz's FATHER!(See Toy Story 2). If Zurg is Buzz's Father, he would have to be OLDER than Buzz. In the current case, Kim is younger than Buzz most likely.
Music Person chapter 2 . 6/9/2013
WHY? I saw this in crossover, and I was thinking if anything it was in the future and a clone was not saving the world. I do not think Kim would be evil right now, but something could happen in the future to make her that way. While I hate the sitch, love the quality of writing.
Living Encyclopedia chapter 2 . 1/2/2013
Why is this story so awesome?! Why?!
Skye Silverwing chapter 3 . 11/23/2009
*Face Faults* Wow. Just... wow. This fic had so much potential in the philosophical realm. It could have said so much about the difference between good and evil and the amount of gray area in between. Now, all that potential is gone. I weep for it, as such depth available in a well written fiction is very rare.
Skye Silverwing chapter 2 . 11/20/2009
You made Kim evil! Not cool. Kim is NEVER evil. Even when people were shooting beams that turn good people evil and evil people good, she never got hit. Kim is the heroine, not the villain. I was hoping for a decent reason why she would put on the mantle of Zurg and move to take over the galaxy, not this "I wasn't saving the world, so I decided to take over the Galaxy instead" crap. Also if she was concerned for her family, she would not have LEFT THEM in the care of a clone that was going to put them in the same danger that Kim was fleeing from herself. I was looking forward to a well thought out reason for it, but you failed miserably. I will keep watching and hoping that you will do better, but if this continues, I am going to stop.
Skye Silverwing chapter 1 . 11/19/2009
*eyes widen a little* KIM is Zurg? Seriously? Ok, I am subscribing to the story alert just so that I can find out just how in the hell that happened. I am hoping there is a coherent story as to how the teen hero wound up in the position as the most evil being in the universe, as apposed to some out of character crap like her really turning evil.