Reviews for Strength Through Wounding
A.LilyoftheValley chapter 2 . 12/19/2014
The cafeteria scene in Chapter 1: Disintegration is my favorite just because of the detailed atmosphere you created in there from Jill toying with her food to Chris slamming his fist on the table in frustration. You can feel the tension in each character in that room. That is superb writing in my opinion!
Zach chapter 12 . 11/16/2013
This is the first fanfiction that I didn't think was a piece of shit. The story flowed well, No unnecessary sex scenes or angst and to top it off everything fit perfectly with Resident Evil Canon. One thing that did bother me and its just my OCD kicking in is that Raccoon is located in PA not Michigan but honestly thats the only complaint to a really well done and well written story.
Wheelman747 chapter 12 . 8/26/2013
Beautiful story. Absolutely beautiful.
Japanese Perverted chapter 12 . 12/3/2012
Great story! chapter 12 . 8/9/2011
I don't even know where to start to tell you how incredible this story is! You should write books and get paid for it! Gotta say longest fanfic I've read where neither characters uttered the words 'I love you'. Extremely detailed and realistic; Iove your writing style. You sure got a gift there! Thank you for this amazing story!
Patricia Loupee chapter 12 . 4/13/2011
I've been reading your story during the last few days and GOD! I simply loved it.

I liked a lot the way you placed all the events, all the facts, and the interactions between all the characters... I just think that it is the most amazing and fun thing on writing fanfiction - you can describe a world of things the way your head imagine it, but you made it with such a special care that I simply must say: no official material would be better. At leat not that fanservicing/fanboy as you did. LOL

I'm a Chris/Jill shipper and a huge fangirl of them, and must say that I love the way you showed us their relationship. Some things I may write different, if I was on your place, but they fit perfectly on to the story.

Congratulations, and thanks for bringing to us such a great story.

Cheers from the brazillian RE fandom! /o/
Anna Walker chapter 12 . 10/16/2010
Actually I'm start to reading At eternity's gate, but I decided read the all complete story, and I gotta say it was a good thing. This story was completely fantastic, from beginning to the end.

Great work!

Metalmark chapter 12 . 8/11/2010
So, after reading Blindside I decided I should probably read the prequel (although at first I didn't know there was a prequel). And it's safe to say I wasn't disappointed! The beauty, emotion, excitement in this story rivaled just as much as it's second part did. Your way of storytelling is remarkable and something to be admired. The dialogue between all the characters is brilliant, witty, and hardly jaded. And the whirlwind of emotions between Chris and Jill at the post beginning of them accepting their feelings for each other was breattaking and captivating. Amazing work! Now I can read the third part of your trilogy with completeness of mind. )

Guest chapter 12 . 5/30/2010
This being the second of your stories I have read, I must admit that you continue to impress me, and I highly enjoy reading your work. Your precision in writing English is unparalleled, however, a quick spellcheck would eliminate the few errors in this fanfic. 10/10
Devil Rebel chapter 12 . 4/16/2010
Meatwad chapter 11 . 4/16/2010
One of the best fanfics I have read. It gave life to the characters of STARS such as Forest and Joseph that nothing else has. It made me feel for them and care about them. Good job!
Elphaba chapter 12 . 3/22/2010
this fic was AWESOME!

Cant wait for the sequel.
xwittychickx chapter 12 . 3/19/2010
I truely love how you ended this, I'd be lying if I said I didn't smile at least a little. :) You have an amazing writing style, and I really can't wait for the sequal! Keep up the awesome work!
cjjs chapter 12 . 3/18/2010
Fantastic sory. I loved the ending, a bit bittersweet, but hopefull (and realistic) I'm so glad that I stumbled upon your work, as far as I am concerned you are the official Chris/Jill writer on this site.

Great work, I can't wait for the sequel.
Razial chapter 12 . 3/17/2010
This was a great ending to a great story and as I said before one of the first stories which showed what the team went through after the mansion. This was very well done and I loved it, are you planning a sequel?

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