Reviews for Welcome, Espada!
NorthernShinigami chapter 6 . 5/20/2010
...Cooking test?

LOL stark and caffeine! i laughed like a madwoman xDDDD Go Nnoitora!

Seriously, it was genious!
tlg chapter 6 . 5/19/2010
this is just classic gin.
darkmachine chapter 6 . 5/19/2010
So when are the Espadas going to get their fraccion and what about the Privaron Espadas?
summerrayah chapter 5 . 3/17/2010
srry i have no ideas but i love your story
MegurineLukaCVO3 chapter 5 . 3/14/2010
I really liked this chapter. I loved how you described Aaroniero and how he eats. Also I loved how Halibel snuck around asking for help it gives the story a little more depth with allinces. Anyway I have an idea for a test, this might be bad but whatever. The espada could be in teams and have to find a certain amount of something through out Los Noches. That way they learn to work together and you could have fun with the teams.
xXWhisperWhisperXx chapter 1 . 1/24/2010

I laughed quite a bit in this first chapter.

Especially at the Epse-shama-lama-ding-dong, etc. part. xD
NorthernShinigami chapter 5 . 1/24/2010
Actually..."Swordplay with Ichimaru is something I'll like to see *snickers*...

How about trying to avoide Ichimaru-Shinsou?- like, speed test or something...
Losuien chapter 5 . 1/24/2010
I like Aaroniero too :D

Uhh a cooking challenge?

Who can not blink for the longest time?


I can come up with more idea's if you want
Kaminari no Kiba chapter 2 . 11/18/2009
Who did he miss? Update soon! :)
Thebleachdiary chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
Ooh! This is great! Is it all going to be from Gin's view point?