Reviews for One Morning
FozuzGaoa chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
Wow, adorable :) !
FlawlessMistake chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
I've read a few Justin x Aleax stories and this is one of the best. It's the first one I saw that actually keeps Alex fully in character while still giving us romance between her and Justin. Keep writing. :D
PrettyGirlRocks chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
awesome story loved it! seemed so real and didnt have any unnecessary coming together or anything...i like how they were already somewhat exploring with each other! yay!
dramionefanobviously chapter 1 . 12/22/2009
nice :)
Sonomi-chan chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
Love it! Awesome Jalex fic
XxwithxoutaxwordxX chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
aww that was so cute... you should continue it... kinda like short drabbles or something or other. But please continue...
Frocked chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
TaleWeaver chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
Hahahahaha! This was very funny, but very IC. If Justin and Alex did get together, this is totally what their day to day life would be like. Come to think of it, my brother and I used to pull the toilet and the shower trick on each other all the time when we were kids. And occasionally our Dad. Definitely a classic.

Anyway, you have a good grasp of Justin and Alex's characters, and I hope you write more in this fandom.
oogajunk chapter 1 . 11/11/2009
Ha, this was cute. It was well written and...I dunno. Maybe I'm just a sucker for shower scenes, cause really. When do they NOT turn into something awesome. But regardless, this was just a very solid Jalex fic. Not much else to say. They were all in character and you delve into the whole "control of power" thing that's a constant battle between these two (though it's not really a fight when Alex wins all the time). Like on the show, Justin still can fight back, but if they allowed Jalex to happen, Justin wouldn't win a god damn battle lol. She's already so mischievous and manipulative in order to get Justin to do what she wants. But add seductive Alex, and every word that comes out of Justin's mouth will be: “Right…school…late…can’t have…school…”

I know this is a one-shot, but in my mind I keep thinking Justin would eventually learn how to use the control he has over Alex (the one you mentioned) for his own gain. There were just a lot of small things that I liked. Like Justin realizing that he HAD locked the door, Alex flushing the toilet on her way out both for keeping appearances and to annoy Justin (in her endearing way), Justin not caring about something so important to him because there was something even MORE important to make him not care, etc.

I see you put up another Jalex, so I'll run over to that one now to see what else you've got to offer :)
Clear Plastic chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
Wow. Just... wow. This is fantastic. I love how you wrote that Alex/Justin action. It almost makes incest okay. Heehee. It's wonderful how you can make them attracted to each other yet keep that brother/sister vibe. :) They were totally in character. Love your writing style. You HAVE to write more. Please? I'll be subscribing to you!