Reviews for All That Remains
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21
Thanks for making me cry. Actually. Because that was so sad and beautiful and corona virus bitch, oh my god that could be us in a few years.
Ghostita chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
You are an absolute genius writer and I love your stories!
Alytiger chapter 1 . 11/12/2016
My heart has been ripped out and stomped upon but I love it
sereneione chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
I gasped when I reached the part with Harry and the three men. I rarely do that when I read. What I'm trying to say is, your story completely sucked me in. And I thank you.
Sylla Headhunter chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
It took me a long time to read your fic
Not because it was so long but because I had to stop every few minutes (especially towards the end) and wipe my eyes 'cause I couldn't see anything anymore.
You had me crying there
Absolutely beautifully heartbreaking
silberfuchsII chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
I'm stunned and I'm crying and I'm a big boy and still I'm crying after I've read this apocalyptic story so full of death and grief and guilt and finding-back-together and sadness and crumbled houses, crumbled streets, crumbled people.
Awfully well written, really great work.
Thank you for writing and sharing this.
Carling chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
I don't usually go for post apocalyptic stories because half my family were war refugees and the true stories passed down to me weakened me. I don't have the mental resilience for too much darkness. But this was handled very well, very lovingly. Having Petunia and Dudley be a part of the story is brilliant. It makes sense that when everything familiar is lost, even weak family ties would take on great significance.
livingforfomas chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
This was heart breaking. I'm honestly crying and I haven't done that with a Drarry in years.
Thank-you for your beautiful words. Thank-you.
Basilisks' Favourites chapter 1 . 6/15/2012
How on earth does this fic have such little reviews? It blew me away- I loved it.

The magical epidemics and whatnot was a great touch, and the pain, hurt, and suffering I could very well imagine and almost feel. You did an excellent job with this; I'm pleasantly astounded.

I usually don't read Drarry fics but the way you wrote this made me fall in love with the story :)

Amazing job!

-Mind Gamess
ASTRONOMlC chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Wow. This was magnificently written. It was moving. The way you wrote this was really amazing... The setting was so different, unlike anything I'd ever read before. I'm really contemplating everything now. Your visuals were phenomenally created, and the dark feeling you gave through the story was really well done. I don't know what else to say other than this story deserves thousands of reviews. This story cannot be ignored. It was really, really, really good. Wow.

Nihtingale chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
I liked the story. I espcially liked how Petunia was protrayed. "They can't hurt you if they take something you don't love."

when you start thinking like that, it's already too late, u had loved deeply. wish there is more on Lucius though
IndieWrites chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Wow. That was so incredibly unique. I have never come across a take on the wars aftermath like this one. It was heartbreaking, and refreshing. And I'm pleased to see the outcome for all involved. You write beautifully, with the right amount of detail and emotion to pull the reader in and keep them hanging on every word. Stellar job.
DeathCobraEater chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
Very Nice

A bit confusiong in the begining but eventually it all evened out at the end. It was very entertaining and realistic.

Death Cobra Eater
xXbefuddledXx chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
gosh that was intense... it was raw and harsh and ugly but utterly deep and resounding. very original to some extent definitely one of the most different war/post war stories i've read so far.
Bliblou chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
Hi, as a French reader I wanted to thank u a million times for this wonderful story. There's nothing to read in french and I was searching for stories 'Ron/Severus' when I've seen 'All that Remains''s summary.

Your story is like a film, I can see film's scene - Phénomènes or The road - such desolation and people fighting nonetheless.

I love it. Your Harry and Draco and even Dudley are just so kind and true and broken - It's perfect.

Thank you, one more time.


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