Reviews for Imperfection
KuroiDenki chapter 1 . 8/15/2018
Too cheesy
LxLight4ever chapter 10 . 6/16/2018
Author's Note: So...I can explain! I lost a lot of inspiration for this story, but that's not the real reason for not updating it in so long. In reality, I had placed Life Note as a top priority story and only updated that for quite a while. Now, I'm placing this, Wo-Man, and Death Machine at top priority. This mostly 'cause I already have quite a bit written. I have this chapter, next, and part of the next Entry written. Yay!

To recap so you don't have to reread the past few chapters: Last chapter was Light's journal entry saying that he's begun tutoring Mello in Calc. He's still depressed and seems to be getting worse...We left L off having breakfast with Light two/three days ago ((in their world, obviously)). He knows nothing about Light and Mello's interraction. He's still clueless, but this chapter, he'll gain some insight into Light's mind. It is a very...interesting chapter.

Warnings: Depressing thoughts, obviously. L is continually OOC, but this chapter is the beginning of trying to get him back on track ((or at least, Watari wants that...)). I'm sorry if his character seems so...well, OOC...But it does go to show how much Light has changed him.

Disclaimer: While I DO own this idea and plot of this story, I do not own the idea or plot or anything else behind Death Note. I also apologize for any incorrect jargon used for something that I won't give away.

Author's Note: So, if I used any wrong tennis lingo, I'm sorry. I don't play. Also, I just couldn't resist the game itself. I thought it would be really good to get Light's spirits up...AND THEN CRUSH THEM! KYAHAHA! No, no, I'm sorry. Really, I am.

But how am I so knowledgeable on ankles? Well, this story is written by the girl who broke both her ankles in the span of several months. I trick-or-treated with a cast one my right ankle and spent winter break with a boot on my left. After that, I got a bit of physical therapy and have been using $400 custom orthotics in my gym shoes, which I wear all the time. That was five years ago.

My little guy, Plot, hasn't made too much of a show for L. I guess he just doesn't like him. Well, there's a bit in there, but like I said, he'll mostly hang around Light. However, next chapter, he'll make a bigger appearance...I think.

Notice how L's logic coincides with mine? Light and Mello can either be the best of friends or the worst of enemies...or the kinkiest of lovers, but L wouldn't think that for NUMEROUS reasons...

FbfbAuthor's Note: GAH! I'm so sorry for not updating you guys! Depression comes in waves for me. Sorry...And it's back and nice and inspirational ((when it's not stealing away all motivation whatsoever...)).

Anyways, I'd like to introduce someone to you. Hey, little guy, it's alright, come on out...Hi, here he is. Wave! Aww, so cute! His name is Plot. You'll see more of him towards the end of this Entry.

And just to clarify, journal entries, while in chronological order themselves, are not all one right after the other. Time passes between them, but he writes one every night. Several days pass from the last chapter to this. Sorry if the naming of the entries confuses you.

Oh, and sorry that I didn't have the date in the first entry, but there was one! It was March 12th.

Warnings: Hello, it's Light's POV! Depressing thoughts abound. But...uh...*sheepish smile* There's some comedy. I couldn't help myself; I'm sorry!

Disclaimer: If I owned Death Note, I'd be able to pay for all the volumes and DVD's...not that I'd need them, of course...I own this idea and plot!

Author's Note: Man, a lot of Light's thoughts are similar to mine. I think out of all the characters I've ever written, he is the closest to least, for this story. _-

Anyways, um, there's a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter. More than just you think. And I have most ((I think)) of the next chapter written. There's one scene that I'm about to write, but more info in my blog, link in profile.

How'd you like Plot? He's pretty shy, so you don't really know his personality yet, but you'll get to know him better in chapters to come. Warning for that: He likes Light better, if you know what I mean...((If you can't tell, the plot will mainly be shown through Light's journal entries, but will evade L. That's part of the Plot, too...MUAHAHAHA! XP))

So, please review and tell me what you think. Hopefully, Light's thoughts are a little more realistic this time around, and he seems more...three-demenstional of a character? -

Author's Note: So, after many moons ((aka, since August)), I'm updating...finally. See, I lost most inspiration for this story, but lately have been feeling really depressed. I decided to use the depression to my advantage and got this chapter written.

Picks off pretty much where the last chapter left off. Believe it or not, it's sorta like the intro to plot, though I'm not saying how. This chapter really delves back into L's psyche and his own connections to the song "Imperfection." I loved writing his POV...*sigh*

Also, I hated Light being so freakin' OOC last chapter, so I've gotten his mask back in place, seeing as he's surrounded by people. I needed that mask back so I could continue writing his character. You understand, right? I know that many of you said that he has a right to be OOC 'cause of everything he's gone through, but it was just...*shudders* This mask is in some ways different from his real mask ((the one you all know from the series and such)), and therefore incorperates some qualities my own mask has.

Warnings: Even though there's no suicidal thoughts, some of L's thoughts, and even a bit of Light's words/expressions/etc get pretty depressing. Angst is the warning, I guess.

Disclaimer: You see, Death Note was published in a timely manner. Therefore, logically, I cannot have owned it, and still don't. I do own this plot and idea tho!

Author's Note: Muahaha, no Yearning mentioned! That's 'cause Light's not in that mood right now; he's too depressed. So, now, you get two depressed guys as protaganists. By the looks of it, Mello's the antagonist. Let's see where this goes...((Though, in some ways, Light can be viewed as his own antagonist, or L could be for him. Makes you think...))

I didn't mean to make such a big deal out of those muffins, but realized that Light needed something stable to know and understand, and know is safe. Therefore, what would he grab from an English breakfast buffet but something he already knew and loved? Speaking of logic, L's insanely long explanation as to how he knew it was Mello who was standing beside him was more for my enjoyment. I thought you guys should have another taste of smart-thinking, logical, reasonable L before he spirals back to the clueless idiot of previous chapters. Also, I really hoped that I captured his essence and smartitude in that!

Now, next chapter is mostly gonna be one of three things: A time skip after Light's first day of school w/ L's POV, a time skip after Light's first day of school w/ Light's POV in a journal entry, or a time skip after a bit more time and something that I either will like to put in now or wait one more chapter to do but w/ Light's POV in a journal entry. I've yet to decide, but it's most likely gonna be Entry 2, just IDK if I want to put in one more thing that's important to the plot...I might even get around to writing this over this weekend or throughout the week, since I have the inspiration!

Thanx for reading! And please leave a review if you liked or didn't like the chapter/story/characters/etc! - And if so, state why, if you could be so kind! I use what words I'm given as both inspiration and help when writing, so the story will be better! _-

((PS: After L's mean retort about Light's "situation," as I was writing the next paragraph, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" started playing. Thought you guys would get a kick out of that!))

Author's Note: This is the sequal to "Boulevard of Broken Dreams." L's POV. I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised by some of his thoughts.

The song "Imperfection" is my second fave Skillet song ((right behind "The Last Night")) and fits Light in this story so well, it's scary. Later, I reference the song, and will continue to do so w/o making it look like it's a reference to a song. Wrote much of this story during school, BTW.

A chapter fic, so beware. The chapters are short 'cause I want certain ideas in certain places. And you're gonna see another reason why L was/is so keen on helping Light recover. That won't be hinted at until next chapter and won't be explained until the third. The chapters will get increasingly longer, just a heads up.

Warning: Light's suicidal thoughts, still more references to heaven and hell, one-sided LxLight...*wink* Oh, and large words like blasphemy. I feel so proud I can write in L's POV! SQUEE! This has turned into a complete AU now, for Misa and her Death Note are gone. There's no more supernatural involved. End of story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or it's characters. However, this plot is my own. I also don't own the awesomeness that is "Imperfection" by Skillet. No, let them own all their amazing songs. -

Author's Note: This was mostly a recap chapter of sorts. Now were're gonna get into the current stuff. Still will be told in present tense, like the first one, but not like this chapter. L will interrupt the story to think every once in a while, so beware for inane thoughts and him saying stuff like "shakes me out of my musings."

How'd you like that little twist? I know many of my readers wished for there to be full-on LxLight, not one-sided, in the first part, so here it is. They both have unrequitted love for each other. Now do you understand that warning of "one-sided LxLight *wink*" above? It was talking about L not Light this time! HAHAHAHA!

Just saying, the "yearning" will keep appearing. I think you guys know what it is...And the "fallen angel" thing will of course appear again as well. That being said, here are the winners of my contest, which will appear in my stories for at least the rest of the year, if not longer:

First place: "Perussi" by Poshoom
Second place: "Admit it, You're a Monster" by Odelia is the Oddie
Honorable mention: "My Obsession" by Black-Dranzer-1119

Author's Note: Happy New Years, guys! 2010! And here's my gift for the new year: a new chapter to Imperfection!

Expect other stories up soon, or other chapters. Check my blog about that ((link in profile)) please.

Anyways, I know this chapter is short, but the next one should be longer and the one after that even far as I know...I hope...*crosses fingers* You never really know how long a story is when you write it in a journal then type it up...

Warning: Intense angst. And a bit of L's yaoi thoughts, but barely anything along those lines. I think there might be some comedic lines in here, but I'm not sure...There won't be any intentional comedy until the end of chapter 3 and maybe half of chapter 4. -

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or its characters. I do, however, own this idea. And BTW, just so you know, this is officially the start of the new story part of this, going away from the Kira case and anything supernatural. Yeah, that's right, there's no more supernatural, all real things that can happen as far as we know! .

Author's Note: How'd you like it? I hope it wasn't that bad. Light does break down or explode or just go insane often, just to warn you. He does have triggers and whatnot, and it's really far as I know. Just a heads up: I haven't actually researched any of this. All this writing is based after books I've read, stories I've read, movies I've seen, other things like that...and my own mind.

Oh, and what do you think are the thoughts that are "too close to home" and the ones that L has denied himself access to? The question will be answered next chapter, but I would love to hear your guesses!

Until next time ((which should be quite soon...*sigh*)), Zena out!

Author's Note: This is, of what's written so far, my favorite chapter. This chapter has three special meanings behind parts of it.
1) When writing it, I accidentally made L quote the song "Imperfection," which this story is named after, obviously. I seriously wrote the line, realized it was part of the song, kept it and realized that now it fits all main characters. Yes, that's right, L and Light aren't the only ones w/ problems. _-
2) I wrote this chapter soon after I realized one very important thing that plays a part in L's role in saving Light, besides his love of course. You will see this, as he addresses it. In fact, it was hinted in the last chapter.
3) I read the first paragraph of this to several people, most of whom don't know Death Note and aren't familiar w/ the plot to this fic. Long story short: that was the day I decided I officially wanted to be a writer when I grew up. *sigh of happiness*

This also contains some very deep thoughts from L, which I really enjoy writing. The beginning is where most of those lie, but there are some others spread throughout the chapter, including references, once again, to Light as a "fallen angel," which won't be going away anytime soon.

Also, this chapter contains the first incling of humor. There'll be more in chapter 4.

Warning: If you've gotten this far, I hardly need to give that warning anymore. The one of Light's suicidal thoughts...which actually, for once, don't appear! GAH!

Disclaimer: Once again, Death Note belongs to two geniuses. I am neither. OH! But apparently Light's character design is quite popular. A ((pretty much openly gay)) character in Junjo Romantica looks just like him, is pretty smart, and gave an evil smirk to Misaki at one point, making him look JUST LIKE LIGHT! GAH! ...I also don't own "Imperfection," by Skillet or Another Note by Nisioisin, whose name is a pallendrome. Oh, and I only own copies of Minesweeper and Spider Solitaire on my own computer, but not the concept. _- You'll see...

Author's Note: Haha, scared ya, didn't I? You thought Light was dead, didn't you? Well, when I read the first sentence or two of that last part to DIMS, they guessed many things, none quite close to what actually made L act that way. One guess, their final, 'cause I forced them to shut up, was L witnessing Watari and Light making out. Their defense? They knew I had a weird perverted mind 'cause I'm born in the year of the dog. SHIGURE PWNS YOU ALL! "High school girls, high school girls..." Hehehe *sweatdrop*

Anyways, also, I hope you liked my little jab at Another Note, one of the best books in existance, and not just 'cause it's Mello's narration. I needed to put in that part about hearing BB's part of the story and one day telling Mello. But then I remembered most of the story was from Naomi's POV. Haha, so the original chapter in my journal doesn't mention the woman, but this does. Makes more sense, right? And according to How to Read 13, L does learn capoeira from Naomi. -

I don't know when I'll be updating again, so don't wait up. I have a lot of other stories I've idiotically started, and stuff like that...*sigh* ANNOUNCEMENT! IF YOU WISH TO ACTUALLY KNOW WHEN I'M GONNA UPDATE THIS STORY OR ANY OF MY OTHERS, READ MY BLOG, LINK IN PROFILE! Thanx. n_n

Author's Note: These chapters look so long in my journal...*sigh* God, so sorry for the long wait for an update! The last story that I have a chapter partially written for that I can post ((besides the beginnings to chapter 5 of this, which is in the process of being written - YAY THEY GET OFF THE PLANE FINALLY!)) is Frozen Hearts, so expect that up soon.

This chapter contains a lot of comedy, so be warned. It's mostly through dialogue and a few extra comments throughout. L reflects once more on things, including love and Light's mask. Both are very important themes throughout this story.

Warnings: Light doesn't break down, but he does explode. The warning? I said some of those words to my mom a day or two before writing this chapter. I made his a little more extreme, 'cause I know what to say and what not to say that will land me on meds. _- Oh, and Light loves to swear...

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. But if I did own one, then you'd know who's behind all the celebrity heart-related deaths recently. KYAHAHAHA!

Author's Note: Well then, here're some notes about this chapter:

*Raccoon...I couldn't resist.
*"Stop staring at me unless..." you're undressing me with your eyes or are about to confess your feelings for me, etc. But he knew better than to say something like that.
*I do know that one of the lines about his mask usually being like marble sounds suspiciously like the crap that is Twilight. I assure you I wrote that, thought about it, then cracked up and hit myself on the head with my journal. This kind of marble has Light inside, not a 108-year-old virgin who lives w/ his parents and sex-addicted siblings. XP
*Haha, the Yearning gets a capital letter now! That's also important to the story...Any guesses on what it is? I'll give you one guess, and it has to do w/ the fact that Light's in love w/ L...oops.
*DIMS's fave line in the whole story: "...and instead goes on to forget..." that whole sentence. _-

Ah, and that "endless slumber" line? See where the title of the orignal story version of this comes from? -

I hope you've enjoyed reading so far!

Author's Note: GAH! I know it's been forevers since I updated this, so I decided: This is next. The thing is, finals were this week ((FINALLY DONE W/ SCHOOL! OFF TO SUMMER SCHOOL! -_-)) and I had to study nonstop and it sorta literally killed my writing muse. So, I've been stuck. On all my stories. Luckily, after reading the FANTASTIC story "Momento Mori" in which Light was raped, I got inspiration for one of my original stories and am now working hard on the next chapter of that. XP Yes, I do enjoy rape stories; got a problem w/ that?

Anyways, holy fucking shit. I honestly thought I updated this story! I THOUGHT I HAD POSTED CHAPTER 5! Well, I hadn't even finished typing it up. And I was looking forward to next chapter...*pouts* Well, not much to say about his chapter except that it really has some deep thinking on L's part. It also of course has some comedy 'cause we're in need. I actually needed to think back and remember whatever happened...


Warnings: *sigh* Ah, yes, here's my warning: Light has officially become the ultimate uke! IDK how it happened, but he's more wimpy in this story than I'm used to writing him - not. However, in chapter 6...*laughs maniacally* Anyways, he is not as prideful or crazed in this as he is in real life...ignore the irony, please. But I think everything has taken its toll on him! Next chapter, you see his thoughts are pretty similar to the normal!Light, just his actions seem a little more...*sigh*

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. End of story. ((Well, not the end of THIS story..._-)) I also don't own "Homecoming Queen" by Hinder, which doesn't have any appearance in this story whatsoever, but I thought would be nice for you guys to listen to for you guys to maybe understand Light's POV a bit more. Haha, yes it's about a girl. _-

Author's Note: Well, finally Watari's introduced. He didn't have too big of a part here, but soon will be...well, helping L. Trust me, he needs it.

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will actually not be called a chapter. In fact, it's entitled "Entry 1" as in Light's first journal entry, in which MELLO AND THE OTHERS FINALLY APPEAR! The chapter after that will be entitled "Chapter 6" but whenever there's a new journal entry that you guys get to read from Light, no matter how many are in between the entries shown, it will go in order, next would be Entry 2.

I'm sorry if Light's becoming really OOC. And same w/ L...The Wammy Boys appear next chapter and I've tried to keep them as in character as possible but that's sorta ha
Guest chapter 10 . 2/20/2017
*sigh* Like so many other fics with great potential, this one has been abandoned for... six years? I don't know, I can't maths.
At this point I would usually throw a strop and finish the fic myself on Word, but I have no idea where you meant to go with this. And so, it's going to be a looooong night.
This was meant to be an inspirational, "go on, you can finish this!" type message, but apparently not. Not to mention that you probably have no inspiration,motivation of direction for this anymore. But what do I know? I'm just some random fabric writer who never actually posts anything and just uses this website to read and fangirl.
Sorry to whoever has the misfortune of reading me ramble on.
BluezebraAFHS chapter 10 . 7/24/2014
Okay, so I know it's been a while since you've updated this story... but it's just so good! I really like the way you've written this, it's different than any other Death Note fic I've read. I'm really interested in how you continue it. To put it simply... I want more! I really hope you update this soon. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Alhena Sothis Black chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
I would like to known if you have already published this fiction in "original version"? In really want to read the end even if it's not with L and Raito. Also, if you finally don't publish it can you just sum up the end? Please? I really like this one.
PS: Sorry if i'm not very clear, I'm french so my english isn't very good.
mylawlights chapter 10 . 6/10/2014
Pleeeeeeeeeease continue. It's so good
UmbrellaScenes chapter 10 . 10/28/2013
Please continue
Demonic Mello chapter 10 . 8/27/2013
pooooooor light I like this alot and am eager for more I can hash out ideas to you if needed
imagaYthgiL chapter 10 . 7/12/2013
I love this story. I wish you would update it more often. I love the way that L is so clueless about the Yearning. lol! Anyway, I hope you update this soon. If you don't mind, can you send me a message when you do?
Ayame-Chan chapter 3 . 4/14/2013
I'm year of the snake! Ayame is wonderful! I guess I get a bit of the same pervy mind, too... Y'know, his shop. I once started singing Shigure's song and got some really odd looks...
NotBatman52 chapter 7 . 10/10/2012
Have you noticed that when you spell 'yagami' backwards... it spells -I'm a gay-?
Astrophel Thracius chapter 10 . 9/22/2012
TTTT poor light but i can't deny that i haven't thought of him as someone who's suicidal
EifenHC chapter 10 . 8/11/2012
This is a great story. I really hope you update soon!
Shadow Lily Potter chapter 10 . 7/10/2012
I really love this story. It's interesting to see Light from this point of view.
RiinaVenecara chapter 10 . 7/6/2012
I love this story, as I, not long ago, was in a situation extremely similiar as to Lights, but at the same time entirely different. Feels like reading a note of your own, previous life..
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