Reviews for Yoh and the Oni
PrincessLazyPants chapter 7 . 6/19/2011
I'm supposed to be studying for exams right now, but the moment I stumbled across this story (just after reading the summary), I couldn't stop reading! I love, love, love, love, LOVE this story! Your remake of Beauty and the Beast was wonderful! I loved how you added twists to it so that it wasn't exactly like the BB plotline, and how you managed to intertwine Shaman King elements to it! Probably THE best Shaman King story I've ever read - your way of writing is absolutely beautiful!
Link Fangirl01 chapter 7 . 10/6/2010
-rolling in her seat- Oh my, you really are a genius Lyre!

XD I truly don't think an SK fic done to "Beauty and the Beast" could have been done any better. And you worked in so many things from the show, it's perfect! (especially the usage of the 1080 beads, geniuuuusss)

The pairing of Ren/Pirika still does not sit well with me, oh well.

-adds to favorites-
venz07 chapter 7 . 8/21/2010
that was a nice rendition of Beauty and the Beast shaman king style! :D I LOVE IT! :D
Ceri Moriarty chapter 7 . 8/2/2010
UWAAAAAAA! THAT WAS SO AMAZING! [runs around in circles raving] That was a totally awesome, amazing, well-written story and I really really really really really loved it! PLEASE KEEP IT UP! YOU ROCK!
Ceri Moriarty chapter 2 . 8/2/2010
Ooh, things are shaping up to be interesting! (Er…the chapter titles…they're lyrics from that one song in Beauty and the Beast, aren't they?)
elviella chapter 7 . 6/12/2010
So two days ago I wanted to read something and remembered this fanfic. Needless to say, I had two good hours of fun instead of studying. Then I thought I should review, because I still intent to write a review or each one of your stories, but I didn't have the time. So here I am, at 1.10 after midnight, writing a review. Insomnia strikes again!

Onto the review.

GOD. You won't believe how much I LOVE this story. It deserves pretty pretty illustrations, a nice printing and a leather binding (I can only offer the illustrations, stay tuned because I might draw something related to this story sometime this week). I just LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE "Yoh and the Oni", it's one of my favourite SK fanfics, somewhere in the top 10, maybe even the top 5.

It might be a little old, and I really think your writing has changed since this story, but I still love the writing style. It's simple (mind me; simple, not plain) and easy to read, and also very fun. I think your writing has become more detailed and insightful since then, but I do think that this style of writing suited the fairytale kind of story a lot.

As a plot, it's really such a great combination of Beauty & the Beast (which is one of my favourites too), Osorezan Revoir and the whole manga actually (plus a bit of Funbari no Uta, I think). I especially loved the analogies of characters and situations, but also how you added new elements to the plot, like the whole leader matter, the Horo/Tamao bits (heeheeheeee you know what a fangirl I am!) and the whole Hao thing. It was a great idea making him an antagonist like that, and using his role in the manga to do that, with the reincarnations and all.

You know, though, I was a bit confused about the setting of the story. At first it seemed to me like a medieval era, or something of that sort, but then there were TVs and sewing machines so I wasn't sure what to think. I ended up with a weird setting of medieval-ish fantasy-like clothing but with the addition of science and machines. Someone could say "And thus, Steampunk was born!"...I guess.

Another thing I really liked was the characters. The characterizations were pretty accurate (although it was a little difficult picturing Pirika as a leader at first), and always very interesting, you did a good use of their characteristics and histories in the manga (Ha! Damuko! I loved that). Alsooo I love that you always include Redseb and Seyram in your stories.

...hmm, I think there are a lot of things I wanted to mentioned but I kinda forgot them. Also I'm starting to think that my review are too much like each other. I should get more variety, but right now I'm a bit sleepy (bye bye insomnia!) so I don't think I can write anything more specific or interesting. I'll just list some of my favourite things n the story:

-Kororo being a huge snow wolf 3

-Jun as the leader and her leaving to get married to Pailong.

-the mention of Damuko.

-MATAMUNE! (and him replacing Nichrom asan elder)

-Silva and Kalim. Also Kalim's buffalo.

-Tthementiuon of Lyserg and Jeanne and Lilirara

-Yo and Anna being so in character

-Ren and Pirika.

-the analogy of Ren and Pirika with Belle's dad (being taken away because they were thought as crazy)

-the atmosphere! It was AWESOME, very fascinating.

Ooooh I almost forgot too. I think you did a great work keeping a good balance on the story.

Both in the genre section, since it had a good portion of both romance and adventure/fantasy, and also pairing wise. Okay, some might say that this is a Yoh/Anna story so it should have more of them, but I, being a fan of Ren/Pirika and Horo/Tamao as well, was more than happy to see a lot of them in the story. So good work on that, the three pairings were very well balanced so that all fans got what they wanted.

Also the last chapter is wonderful, enough said.

That's all for now. I'll be working on that contest entry so you'll hear from me soon. :3 Update your other stuff soon!

PS.: Sorry for any typos. Internet is acting weird at me.
Nathalaia chapter 7 . 4/18/2010
Wonderful work! xD

When I first read about the bead-thing and only one year left, I immediatly thought about Critical Condition xD

In that story, there's a smaller reference to this story, which after my opinion is quite funny xD

Especially because I liked the stories in CC, and then read this .

I didn't see that many mistakes; good!

You seem to forget 'question mark' at times.

Like this:

"How difficult can this be."

After my opinion, there should be a question mark;

"How difficult can this be?"

It can be a simple mistake, but I have seen it other times.

Remember question mark, I would say '

And, as I wrote before, wonderful work!

I love this story, in fact, I love all the stories you have written and I have read xD

Keep the good work up!

~ Natasuya ~
psychobubbles chapter 7 . 12/7/2009
i loved how you combined the fairy tale with osorezan revoir and funbari no uta (along with other manga elements). Since i prefer the manga over the anime, this story is especially good. *faved*
Smart Angel chapter 7 . 12/7/2009
That ending was so cute! I loved Yoh's proposal! Him asking Anna to marry him.., Or rather, Anna going on saying what she wanted (demanded), was adorable! And then Tamao used her board to make a bet. XD Never thought she would do that. Great Fanfic! Too bad is over T_T
djyxa chapter 7 . 12/7/2009
i like the ending! :D

this is really told like a tale.. not so complicated that everthing is explained. _

i hope to read more of your stories! and others to come! XD
yehey chapter 7 . 12/7/2009
whew~ this was a great story! i can imagine how hard it was to write! you did a really good job with this!

though i wished there were more moments about yoh and/or anna, especially in this chapter... i kinda felt that there were more of the others...

anyways! it was great!
elpatolocosisi chapter 7 . 12/6/2009
Very nice indeed, I was looking forward to the ending (unless of course you have another chapter in mind) of this fic, 'cause we all knew she couldn't die just like that.

I've always found amazing Anna's demanding personality, how come I've never met (or seen) a girl like that in my entire life? Although it would have been a nice surprise for her, in the end, to announce she was pregnant, once more, aggainst all her plans.

Regarding the plot and structure of the story, I can say nothing at all since I haven't read nor watched the Beauty and the Beast, so I'll just say it was nice and I liked it even if it wasn't truth to the original.

Anyway, great job! This was a very good fic and you are a very talented writer.


And yes! I am keeping tabs on Critical Condition. I think it'll be worth the waiting though.
yehey chapter 6 . 12/1/2009
great chapter! i loved it!

Im gonna look forward to how youre not gonna kill anna! eheheh... i know you wont kill her! right?

i will be waiting for the possibly the last chapter... sigh~ i hope theres more...

this was great!
Smart Angel chapter 6 . 11/30/2009
This chapter was so intense! And you can't kill Anna! I won't allow it! You just can't! Yoh and Anna have to end up together, happy! They just HAVE to!
FruitySmell chapter 6 . 11/29/2009
OMFG! Don't let Anna die!

This was a superb chapter. Can't believe Hao went down just like that though, but who cares? _

Anyways, what's Yoh going to do? It's pretty obvious it's too late to save Anna now... or is it? :D
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