Reviews for The Cupboard Under The Stairs
lschierer chapter 1 . 6/23
to your knowledge, did anyone ever take you up on the idea of expanding on this?
Baelorfan chapter 1 . 2/15
I so wish that someone had done this for Harry much earlier. Taken Harry away and have him just sleep over at the Dursleys for the required number of nights. There's actually a story where a Wizarding lawyer cum guardian engaged by Lily does just that. She's not maternal but she provides a very young Harry with a childhood (books, toys, a safe learning and living space) and he just has to sleep every night at the Dursleys.

Dumbledore and his fancy ideas. His willingness to sacrifice Harry, childhood and all, for the "Greater Good", as if he couldn't have defeated Voldemort or not created him in the first place.
DJpaigeDJ chapter 1 . 1/7
I love seeing this concept being put out there.
qwerty19 chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
I loved this. Cute little idea that I wish was canon.
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
Excellent! Dumbledore was so arrogant!
starie78 chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
This is excellent!
nayin17 chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
This should happens in canon. Really hate Dumbledork for what he did to Harry and still can't fathom why JK gave him so much credit where in fact he gave Harry to a place where he was abused
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
Liked this.
Taly-chan chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
*Huuuge grin* I've read this before. I came across it again. It stills plucks some chord inside me when the cupboard door is made into a passage to home. I toast to thee.
SSLESeveritus chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
I like this idea. Might use it in a future story, with credit, of course.
Belladonna16 chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
This story gets extra pts from me for being a NICE MOLLY story. This is the woman I've always suspected Molly could be :D. (Anyone who can kill Bellatrix Lestrange...)
wwwendy chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
This is one case where I love Molly's stubbornness! Yoo-Hoo, Go Molly!

Did anyone take you up on the offer to pick this up? I would love to see this continued in some way.

Great job!
Fox Boss chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Not bad, would you mind putting down who's adopted this as a last chapter?
george17 chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
That was cool. It's about time someone did a story where Molly Weasley was the hero rather than the harridan caricature that seems so popular. There's nothing wrong with an evil or stupid Molly Weasley at times but it's nice to see some balance with a positive portrayal.
dead feather chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
I liked this. It's rare to see Molly's talents used this way :)

Hey, if one day Ron can't make it there and someone has to go with Harry, why not Percy? It would surely change his views of Harry permanently.
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