Reviews for Without You
KaoruKamiya307 chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
Very nicely done! I felt like the characters were very well written! :)

Personally, I believe that Fai is still a vampire as well for several reasons. Some of which was Fai's conversation with Yuuko where it seems that it will be impossible for him not to turn back into a human and Fai thought it was kind of Yuuko to tell everyone else that it was possible. Also, I feel that with only half of Fai's magic left after he gave up one of the magic in his eyes for Kuro's arm, he is just as powerful as when he turned into a vampire and so he wouldn't have enough magic to turn back. Also, it never truely states in the manga whether or not Fai had turned back.

Thank you for the story! I enjoyed reading it! :)
kenarbes chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
Nicely done!

Unlike the others who've reviewed, I think Fai is still a vampire. Yes, he got his missing eye back, but not all of his magic. It's the magic that he needed to get rid of the vampire, not just having his eye returned. He couldn't get rid of the vampire before with only half his magic, and he can't now with only half his magic. When he got his eye back, he did not go into convulsions to change back.

Until CLAMP comes out and says Fai's not a vampire, he remains a vampire as far as I'm concerned.
BlueReflection chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
This is a really great fanfic. They are so cute together.

But, the thing that confuses me about Tsubasa is that even though Yuuko said Fay would stop being a vampire when he got his powers back, afterword when Fay was talking to Yuuko alone, it seemed like they implied that no matter how much magic he got back, Fay would still be a vampire. And there is also the fact that he paid the last half of his magic a a price when they were in Japan after Seresu. So when Fay got his eye back, he still would only have half his magic, right?

I'm thinking Fay was still a vampire even after he got his eye back. [omg, I wrote so much to just support my opinion. _ Sorry. ;]

Great job on the fic! w
MisuzuIta chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
aw~ they're just so cute *-* so sweet
anon azure chapter 1 . 10/13/2009

so cute!

I wish this happened!
Phoebe Yuu chapter 1 . 10/10/2009
Very nice story. I love the part when Kurogane hold Fai's waist. How precious! XD

But since I haven't read the final chapter and the epilogue (just catch up until chap 229), do you mind to give me some spoiler for that 2 chap? I like spoiler and somehow I need it for my ongoing fic (to decide it to be an AU or a post-series), so I will be happy if you give me some. Hehe. *wink wink*
Guest chapter 1 . 10/10/2009
Nice little story~

It just have one flaw: Fye's no longer a vampire since he got his eye back from C!Shaolan
Shi-Chan chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
very nice. it felt realistic. just one little thing. didn't yuuko say that once fai got his magic back, he wouldn't have to feed off of kurogane's blood anymore?
Abstract' Orchestra chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
I thought that once he got his eye back, Fai'd be human again (Beauty and the beast moment!)...I could be wrong, but didn't Yuuko say that in Acid Tokyo?

And nice story plot. Surprizingly, no one else is trying it.