Reviews for El Dorado
Stephanie0304 chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
Spain... you creepy pedophile.
Resha04 chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
Very very nice and warm and touching and adorableeeeee! *mixed feelings*
I love how you make Romano always went to the dock to see Spain's ship and how Spain always noticed him but pretended that he didn't QuQ
And then the last part just finish it with a very warm feeling.
Spain, you pedophile XD
Jaricchi chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
adorable. i love the concept. and the plot! :D great fic! XD great job! flawless writing style ! keep it up~

The Illustrious Tama chapter 1 . 10/8/2009
GAH! Its dedicated to me! Thats awesome!

Personally I think you did a great job of Romano. Although, I have to ask, with all of the kissing scenes, Romano was older right? I mean, throughout Spain's conquistador days, Romano was pretty much a little kid (Boss Spain strips, my favourite ones!). My theory was that he grew up within years leading up to the Italian reunification.

Anyway, I think I'll pretend that theres a time skip... I mean, I feel good stretching history and pretending the European Discovery of the Tomato was around the same time as Romano's "puberty".

Anyway, I loves it! Its cute! There are lots of tomatoes. And:... EL DORADO!