Reviews for Hymn of Change
Univenon chapter 1 . 6/3/2011
Right! Great story. I haven't giggled in fan-girl glee in a while so thanks for that.

Couple things I missed though. I think that we could have used a bit more description. Some parts seem a bit rushed. For example, I don't imagine that Croix and Lyner would be exactly thrilled at the idea of getting turned into Reyvetails. I think them having a bit of interaction afterwards would be really great too. That is, before they get shoved into a Cosmosphere. On the idea of the Cosmosphere, I noticed the mind guardians were missing. I hope those get added at some point in the future.

Things I liked... Everyone was in character. Nice work there. Everything made sense and you added adequate explanations for the "why"s and "how"s. The character interaction is good and the premise is brilliant and I laughed a lot.

It saddens me to see it's gone so long without update. Such is the way of Fanfiction.

Happy authoring!

Iris-Phoenix chapter 2 . 2/28/2010
Huh...this is interesting. So why did you stop? I think it is a nice twist, and you really should continue with it.
Shara Sherenia chapter 2 . 1/3/2010
Hey it's me again :p

Glad to hear you're going to create your own Hymn! :D Hymmnos are amazing and charming that you'll love it once you master it (especially Cult Ciel and Ancient Metafalls hehe)

Ahem BTT

Good thing you explained how they become Reyvateils. But...temporary, huh? I would love seeing them obtaining Costumes and transform XD

Also, are their Cosmosphere like the basic soulspace or like Infelsphere?

Will Ayatane appear? XD (do NOT make Lyner infatuated with him, PLEASE! D: )

Okay I'll stop my rant. Please update sooner

PS: does Aquagon-sama the one who teach you?
Living Chain chapter 2 . 12/22/2009
Aah, Lyner is a glutton as ever! xD xD

Nice chapter explaining their Cosmosphere and the current situation there, and, oh... a bud of yaoi is starting to bloom! xD *got stabbed by Lyner and Croix* Don't have any suggestion, though. Not expert at the series, just took a glance over the materials and then quit xD

Waiting for the next chapter :3
Shebajay chapter 2 . 12/18/2009
I love how you have both Croix and Lyner in two differenet mind sets. I look forward to seeing what happens next. I'll be waiting for your next update.
Shebajay chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
This looks really good. I hope you continue with this story. I love the plot of Lyner and Croix being reyvateils. Not to mention how you have everyone paired up. I look forward to you updating.
Shara Sherenia chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Uhmm...there shouldn't be any male reyateils because...well, the chromosomes made it impossible.

But I love the plot, and if you learn about Hymnoss, I think you can make your own Hymn for this fanfic
Living Chain chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
Pretty interesting plot so far :D

I'll be waiting for the next update
aquagon chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
It's pretty interesting, but...


Ir's near impossible to say how many times this breaks everything in the established canon, chronology, and wave science concepts. It might sound harsh, but that's how I view things.
burakkichu chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
I'm curious to see what you're going to do with the Croix/Lyner cosmosphere, heheheh... _ And it's about time there were male Reyvateils. I always thought it was just a tad bit dorky that they could only be female.
Minako the Dragon Maiden of DW chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
i love ur crossover story. keep update.