Reviews for Dumped
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Betty and Nick are kiss offs.
TheWonderfulShoe chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
Haaaa. Very cute! Oddly enough, my favourite moment might actually be where he whips out that Neutronic Hankie. It just seemed very...IC. :P Thanks for the read!
jcforever19 chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
This was very cute and natural! I love that Cindy did not just bad mouth Betty!
NeverEndingFairyTales chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
I like it. I thought 13 was a teen Agee not preteen. Cuz thirTEEN.
FutureAirbender18 chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
Switchback chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
"Jimmy smiled back. He found that cheering Cindy up made him a lot happier as well. A different kind of happy than he experienced with scientific breakthroughs, but a deep and satisfying happy nonetheless."

This story made me happy. :)

It was well written and I like the refreshment of the scene set in the future with them older and still in Retroville together; not like many older set fics where there's always a dilemma of one of them moving away or some similar tragedy.

It was rather realistic, well in character and nice to know that even the JN crew get the blues at the best of times but still find each other to deal with it. A nice down to earth plot. Only thing I can complain about, if it's even complaining, is that Cindy wouldn't exactly break down, being the proud person that she is. You handled it well though and again, it was a change of pace. A good one, shows the realism shining through in that how no one is a sure set island.

Also, in response to anyone who might say for you to continue? Don't. One-shots are charming little things and this one is one of the most charming I've come across.

~ Switchback
snowboarder9 chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
wow man, it's been about...3 years since i left this site and im very happy to say that its been nice reading this story after much needed absence, great job! and althought the conversation can be better, it was kinda cute between the two, keep up the good writing!
Lady Arabella Malfoy chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
A VERY GOOD fic! Jimmy is so impossible smart! How did you achieve that?

And more importantly any sequel?
jediguru chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
its...different. in a good way. soo...keep up the good work!
Readrbug21 chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
Ooh, very nice story. I liked it a lot. :) I also felt that the interactions between Jimmy and Cindy felt very natural and realistic and you've kept them true to character. Kudos!

I also liked that Cindy didn't just come out and verbally abuse and degrade Betty, actually giving reasons for why she doesn't like her instead. That seems like something Cindy would do, to an extent, although she's certainly capable of dishing out all kinds of verbal abuse, haha.

Once again, very nice story. It was a refreshing take on the break-up plot. You made the characters very cute, lol, but also remain in character. Good job!
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
Very nice one-shot. Yeah, Betty isn't that bad except for the fact Jimmy tends to notice her more than he does with Cindy; very good job here.

Keep the good writing.