Reviews for Discipline
MoonlightWolf.SunshineFox chapter 12 . 5/25/2019
is it just me or... sebastian is acting like Claude, but less creepy?:v
LetThemHaveGermanRumCake chapter 12 . 7/24/2013
Out of all twelve, only one chapter actually contained discipline, I'm disappointed.
Snafoo Kazoo chapter 3 . 12/8/2010
... I feel like such a pedophile and I love it. ; u ;
Mafia Boss chapter 12 . 11/22/2010
I can't believe I never found this story before! It's amazinggggg! :D
TheLadyBluebird chapter 12 . 11/22/2010
Thank you so much for updating ! These collection of ficlets is just perfect 3

And I'm glad you made a fic about Snake ! Like you said, "uke vibes" x)

Thanks again !
AcornWarrior chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
Oooh that was delicious!

I especially loved the "In french, now" part. That took it from good to amazing.
Olynara Sedai chapter 10 . 8/1/2010
For well written, in character, stylish and occasionally subtle (and occasionally wonderfully unsubtle) Ciel/Sebastian, I would like to pledge my soul and undying love to you.

I've read a number, but have gotten into the habit of avoiding them, because good Ciel/Seb is, like all good romance and lemon, hard to write. It gets quite standard and boring, lemons no different to any other story despite the personalities that make Kuroshitsuji so perfect. Here, they're in character, they're personal, they're expressive and interesting and oh goooood I love you for it. Each chapter is their's, not the type any pair could be tossed into, but tailored to their- okay, I'm going to stop that because it's not really good critique, just endless praise.

Yours eternally, Olynara Sedai
Charexl chapter 11 . 7/23/2010
That's it? I'm not a big fan of this pairing, but you have me hooked!

I say Ciel should try again to dominate Sebastian.
Ischagoras chapter 10 . 5/11/2010
Well! After reading a recently negative review I felt compelled to review myself. No, Ciel may not exactly be "childish" as presented to us in the manga, but leave those of us who revel in Ciel's potential childishness be. (- I should mention this is targeted at another reviewer and not you )

Anyway! Let me try and leave a coherent review for the author. Honestly I feel it is rare to see *shotacon* done so well, by which I mean having an emphasis on child-like physical characteristics as well as behavior. I think that sort of shotacon is even less common in this series due to Ciel's perceived "adult-ness," so I thank you oh so greatly for essentially being a shota god when it comes to this series. I also have to say that I don't think I've ever enjoyed a non-mature fic more in a mature-fic-rated kind of way than I have with "Wardrobe Discipline."

Lastly, I don't know whether or not you are taking requests, but seeing as this series revolves around discipline I think that a lesson involving orgasm denial is in order, don't you? Whether that particular request is filled or not, please keep writing, and as far as the way you choose to characterize them please don't change a thing!
orsa-verba chapter 11 . 4/20/2010
I has a prompt;

"Whipped Cream"

Let's see what comes out of that one~
Maiden of the Moon chapter 11 . 4/18/2010
Firstly, I'm sorry it took me so long to review this chapter, love! I've had little time for fandom, as of late. DX

But anyway-

THIS. OH, THIS. I wish you could see the smile on my face; this was far more amusing than should be allowed. I loved the descriptions (sawing the violin, the whip cracking and popping and lightly kissing Ciel's plump little behind... Mm-m...), the random factoids, and the famous quote at the end. I loved how perfectly IC Ciel was, all spit and vinegar and impudence. And Sebastian! The fact that he had a book on Victorian child rearing amused me half to death. I'm sure he keeps it on the shelf next to Ciel's novel on Sir Dudley, yes? XD

In short, this was brilliant. And, as always, I can't wait for more!
Your Talon-sama chapter 11 . 4/14/2010
Oh yes, a good spanking will do WONDERS for them both. M...spanking. Little whip kissing little round ass prancing in a circle...

You fiendish, delicious beast you.
iloveprettysilverhair chapter 11 . 4/14/2010
O delicious XD Quite a good punishment I must say!

Wonderfully done sensei!
imanewme chapter 10 . 4/3/2010

He got pleasure from Ciel's obvious streak of masochism, just as Sebastian got pleasure from a similar streak of his own. Ciel needed to complain of mistreatment as Sebastian needed to be stimulated by the boy's everpresent dissatisfaction. Their symbiosis was undeniable, a perfect bond that Sebastian had never dreamt of achieving with any mortal.

I smiled like a crazy person when I read this because it's so true! I love the detail that Ceil could have thrown the boots into the fire had he wanted to. It's the things like that I adore about your writing. They seem like small details, but they're not... and yet, they don't slap me in the face while I'm reading. The only thing that took me out of the story momentarily was the comment "it's not fair." Hum... I don't know why. Sebastian was spot on, and the surprise kiss to the forehead was endearing and unexpected.

Thank you for introducing me to this series. Lotsa love, and do continue! (subscribes so as not to miss a single thing)
Salia Glacerious chapter 10 . 4/2/2010
THAT... was humorous and elegant at the exact same time. Not to mention a little exciting and shocking. XD.
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