Reviews for In the Shadows
Kanny1 chapter 15 . 6/25/2013
Have some soul. Please write another chapter.
furious kitten chapter 15 . 12/28/2011
Oh man. I can't believe this updated finally! Had to go back and reread the previous chapter because I couldn't remember what was going on. It's good to see both Edward and Jake getting off their asses and doing things, though the connection between them is a little freaky. Here's hoping the next chapter comes soon!
furious kitten chapter 14 . 1/22/2011
Sorry I'm super behind on my updates. I'm excited that you're continuing this, though I'm still terribly confused. No idea who that little man was who showed up at the end... I don't remember if he's knew or if we've seen him before. Sounds like Bella recognized him, but I can't remember. Interesting that the Quiluete elders blocked Bella...
betsmecullen chapter 14 . 1/16/2011
Yay! Welcome back!

Thanks for the recap. Bella's trust issues have bitten her in the ass. I hope I have half as much fun when I'm dead!

Try not to let RL get to you. Update when you can.
refolin chapter 14 . 1/12/2011
OH mah gawd! What a cliffie! So who imprisoned Bella? And why is she imprisoned instead of being shattered/destroyed? Are they going after Edward now? What will Carlisle and Rose think? Will they come for her? Did Rose have anything to do with all this? I hope not.

Soulmates...together since the dawn of time...and they find each other again and again...only this time for her to go and marry his best friend. SIGH.

Love the chap EbJ...until next time!


twilightobsessed40873a chapter 14 . 1/12/2011
WOW! Sounds like things are about to get messy. LOL!
betsmecullen chapter 13 . 7/28/2010
Hope your summer is going well. Mine is just another summer.

Edward has a chance to complete things with Bella. I'm looking forward to seeing how you will get them to work together. I'm not looking forward to the pain that is to come.
sophie921 chapter 13 . 6/10/2010
There was so much satisfaction in reading this chapter - things seemed to coalesce, the characters became more real, and the interactions were right on the money. There are ghosts everywhere - whether you can interact with them or not depends, much like with what you have written here.
furious kitten chapter 13 . 6/4/2010
Wow. I'm super glad they got to talk in this chapter!

But what about the black smoke cloud thing? Did Bella defeat it or just chase it away? I guess it's really more after Edward.

I think I'd be really creeped out if I had a ghost in the house.
refolin chapter 13 . 6/4/2010
agh! so good.

I feel like we are ramping up for some serious shit to hit the fan...i love how you're setting all the players up. what will become of edward and Bella? talk about star crossed lovers. Sheesh.

Thanks for the shout out ma homie

lurve lurve

betsmecullen chapter 12 . 5/16/2010
Sorry this review is so late. RL sucks.

Will Bella have her shield in thi story? She's there to be with Edward, so she should be able to protect him, right? Hope so.

When I was 6 or 7 years old (approx. 47 years ago), my mom and I were on a trip. The time was about 1 AM, I rolled over in bed, opened my eyes and found a pair of glowing red eyes looking down at me from the ceiling. I stared them for God knows how long. They never blinked, moved or faded. When I woke up again later, they were gone.

Then there was the time when my family and I was spending the Christmas holidays at my in-laws. My sister-in-law had rearranged her doll collection earlier that day. I was watching a scary movie about dolls (of course ;D). As it ended, I looked over at the doll collection and the biggest one fell forward. Scared me silly! In the light of day, the doll was still fallen. D

Thank you for sharing your talents with us through this story.
rubell chapter 12 . 5/9/2010
ok, so it has been awhile since you updated this...i would like to know why...probably cuz you have been replying to all of my reviews, lol...i think i am starting to get it now, it is starting to make sense to i just want more...
rubell chapter 11 . 5/9/2010
used a board once...not parker bros. supposedly my friends mom got is forever ago in NO n that was scary enough...decided to use at school, catholic school, in the ball case u didnt know school grounds are not consecrated grounds like we thought, only the actual church...will never do that crap again in my life! n i dont think i would do it stoned either, actually no way in hell would i do a calling while under the influence of asprin! well, lets see what happens
rubell chapter 10 . 5/9/2010
ohhh...i am still confused, n didnt he call her name when he saw her at the cemetary as least i thought so...also, you mentioned at one point in a review reply something about the story putting me to sleep, actually quite the opposite but it is soo intense n the information so overwhelming that i have to be 100% awake n thinking clearly in order to understand the little i am understanding! believe me i am truely enjoying this fic...i wouldnt read it if i didnt n ur replies would be much shorter if it was only a mediocre fic...hope ur mothers day is wonderful i mother n if u have not yet been subjected to that doubious honor i hope u have a great sunday!
rubell chapter 9 . 5/9/2010
ok, so as i started this chapter i was wondering why edward would give her up, fuck give her up, he never even took a chance, if you love somebody you dont let somebody else take them, even if it is your best friend! and if she was interested in edward why did she even consent to dating jake, unless jake told her edward was ok with it and...ugh, just thinking about her choosing jake over edward makes my stomach sick...and jake is kinda fucked up too for knowing how edward felt but still going after bella, but then again maybe he loved her too but he must have know something or else why would he blame edward and then after her death an onion...layers and layers of not good stuff...(i hate onions by the way, blech, they make me sick to my stomach too!), they fucked up the natural course of fate by jake wanting bella, bella just going along with it and edward being a pussy...
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