Reviews for Thicker Than Water
ChronicDisasterX chapter 4 . 6/2
i hate how whenever a fanfic is abandoned, it always stops when a huge thing is gonna happen I can TELL Gaara will find out about wizards now... AND I'LL NEVER SEE IT- ehfglkhfglwieyf
Clara b chapter 4 . 10/5/2019
Please continue the most amazing fanfic I've ever seen or heard of(*its this one*)
Clara b chapter 3 . 10/5/2019
Really great job! *rock lee thumbs up*
Clara b chapter 2 . 10/5/2019
Clara b chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
AmarAsakae chapter 4 . 9/10/2019
I wish you didn't stop writing this, that was a mean cliffhanger.
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 4 . 3/7/2019
Lmao! Harry just full tackled Sirius XD
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 2 . 3/7/2019
So both parental units were cheaters?
Anne chapter 4 . 8/23/2018
Please keep going. I really love your story
UnluckyJC chapter 2 . 2/17/2018
Hey, I like the idea behind this story and where it could go. Just here to say that I like this and wish it would continue!
HellsVixen AKA Dark chapter 4 . 3/6/2017
lol Stolcker Holming XD Sirius overreacting is just the most hilarious thing I've read today. and Remus banging his head against the wall. lol I can't wait for the next chapter.
shadewatcher chapter 4 . 10/23/2016
Bwahahahaaa! Poor Harry, surrounded by idiots. And poor Gaara is probably thinking they're all insane. XD LOVE IT!
Englandrules83 chapter 4 . 9/15/2016
I like this story of yours. Are you going to continue this or not even though this is quite old?
Hatake02 chapter 4 . 6/7/2016
Hello there. It surely has been a long time since your last update, and maybe you dropped the story. But regardless of that, I would beg you to continue your fic, I really really like it and I would like to know, how you intended to end it...

Guest chapter 4 . 3/8/2016
Write more
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