Reviews for Tag You're It!
rbensach chapter 6 . 2/28/2013
I love, I am a fan of Macy! I love Macy with Van Dyke, are adorable!
rbensach chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
I love, I am a fan of Macy!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 9 . 4/3/2010
That was cute. Especially the last line, as corny as it may have been. And i really liked that after all that time, she still called him out on the singing incident. Nicely done.
PurpleAngel87 chapter 8 . 4/3/2010
You put a mini story in the middle of your unrelated tags. That made me laugh, along with Nick's inability to comfort people and Macy calling him a coward. But I liked her admittance that she had let herself like him, and that she took the 'scarier' option in telling him that. '...he was much better at this than hitting a baseball.' Oh, Macy, you make me laugh. But I really like this mini story- If you ever wanted to write some more Macy/Van Dyke, I would definitely read!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 7 . 4/3/2010
'...when Macy went from girl-dude to babe?' Oh Van Dyke. Just don't say that to her, in those terms. I totally wasn't expecting a follow up, but was happy to see one anyway. And, ouch, she totally took him down a peg. Go Macy! 'Yes I'm a girl, and yes, I'm touching you. Get over it.' I'm liking this Macy. It's interesting to see her interact with people who aren't JONAS and Stella. And loved the line about Joe Lucas being able to pull off cockiness only because he's a rockstar. I completely love how she's so authorative almost. Macy Misa might very well be the death of him indeed. That was cheeky! I do like this Macy. And this was a great follow up - sorry if the review is a little weird; I decided to write it as I was reading. -shrugs- Seemed like a good idea at the time.
PurpleAngel87 chapter 6 . 4/3/2010
'Horrific name' had me laughing so much, but I so agree! What were they thinking? But I actually really liked Macy/Van Dyke (although I'd probably like any ship if you wrote it. You just seem to make it work somehow.) I liked that they managed to use their love for sports to connect, and I absolutely loved her line in his response to him wanting to call her arm candy. Sigh. The boy is slightly slow, huh? I also really liked the hint of a possible date. Awesomeness.
PurpleAngel87 chapter 5 . 4/3/2010
Aw, that was super adorable. Really. I haven't seen the episode yet, but the image of Macy glaring at Kevin, and him being reminded of a ccute, cuddly kitten was funny. And I love how loyal Macy is. Even loyal enough to glare at a JONAS seems too good to be true!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 4 . 4/3/2010
Nick was an adorable wimp in this one, but i was glad that he decided to ask her out after all. And I loved that after everything, Macy admitted she would rather be asked out by Nick from School than Nick of JONAS and loved her line about anyhting good playing. And of course Kevin and Joe just had to interrupt - that's what brothers are for, right? Great job, once again!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 3 . 4/3/2010
Oh Macy. Macy, Macy, Macy. That was so funny! I haven't seen the episode, but I vaguely know the plot. But I can't believe that's the first thing she came out with. You can take Macy out of the fan-girl but you can't take the fan-girl out of Macy. Does that even make sense? Anyway, I can't wait to read the more 'romantic' one - and its awesome that I don't have to!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 2 . 4/3/2010
I like that they didn't automatically jump into saying it was a date and decided to figure things out as they went along. But mostly, I loved how thin his patience seemd to wear at times and loved her 'I promise I won't talk' and his response. And that he called her adorable. Your stories/oneshots almost make me be able to acept the fact that there will be Nick/Macy next season. Not that I don't like them, they're just not as good as Kevin/Macy. -shrugs- Great oneshot, anyway!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Writer's block definitely is lame, but I love your solution for it. (And getting up at 5.45 everyday sucks, I did that for at least half my time at uni.) I watched this episode and got really annoyed when the brought in the French fan club president, so I loved Kevin's reasoning about mime not being enough of a basis for a relationship. I loved how he asked her to zoo, and convinced her that she was more than a friend, but the last line made me laugh. Great tag!
Samantha chapter 2 . 4/1/2010
animeotakupooh chapter 9 . 2/25/2010
these stories are awesome tags to the actual episodes. i can't wait to read more!
From the End of Heaven chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
I'm sorry I've never reviewed this before, cause it's delightful.

I never fail to laugh at:

Nick placed a hand on his oldest brother’s shoulder. “Those are words to live by,” he deadpanned.

so so very Nick.

Thanks for the smiles and laughter. :]]
JDPhoenix chapter 8 . 12/1/2009
Aw, you've officially made Macy/Van Dyke adorable! I loved this whole arch, it was so sweet. Thanks so much for making me like this ship.
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