Reviews for High School
Miaki-San chapter 24 . 5/20/2018
Hello !

I loved this story! Really, it's one of the best I've read. In my fandom, very good stories about the couple IchiHitsu or GinHitsu are quite rare (I'm French) so I'm now looking at the English fandom. I have to find little treasures, including this one. Even if it dates a little, ahah. Initially, I thought I would come across a basic story about the vagaries of teenage life. However, it turned out to be much more interesting than I thought. The first copies were already very intriguing, but when Toshiro's past was slowly coming up, I read it all at once. In the space of two days, I devoured this fanfiction without me bored for a second.
The gradual rapprochement between Toshi and Ichigo is very cute, a little shy and clumsy, but innocent and pure. I liked that part of the story that complemented the dark part of Toshiro's past and his relationship with Gin. It balances events a little, bringing a mountain of different emotions to life, including joy, hatred, sadness and pity. Really beautiful. The psychology of the characters is very well developed too. Even I could not understand all things (my English is quite limited, say).
Oh, and then the lemons. You write them very well, I think. There is a big difference between Ichigo and Gin, not on the impression of having read the same thing. I really enjoyed reading and reading because I can not write properly! Sincerely, it's very hard to write.
I hated Grimmjow, ahah. Did he dare to hurt little Toshi ?! As for Gin, I'm really divided. It can be sometimes detestable and sometimes adorable. It's quickly lost with this jerk. Nevertheless, it can be interesting: we can do with, the role of the villain, the sadist, the kind, the secretive. It's really a special character, we never know his true intentions. And I think you have done very well in your fanfiction. Toshiro is also a special character: he hides behind this mask of coldness and insensitivity. It is easy to imagine any type of trauma, more or less serious. All along the anime, on the sees he is actually nice and cute. Finally, Ichigo is, quite simply, adorable. However, he also has this dark part in him. Nothing is all white or black, as it says! In short, I just loved it.
I can not really speak about your style of writing in French and rarely read fanfictions in English. However, I would like to take advantage of the French of this beautiful work: I therefore propose to translate, with your agreement, of course. It's been a long time since it was published, I know, but it made me very happy. / o I wish you a good day! Thank you for all your efforts to create content of this quality. Kisses.
Dalamin Sahara chapter 24 . 3/21/2018
Hi! I loved this story, especially Toshiro's past, his relationship with Ichimaru and Ichigo and his personality. I know it's being a while since this story was published but I really want to know how Toshiro met Matsumoto and how they became so good friends, since Toshiro had trust problems.
My favourite chapter was 21 but I also liked the benning.
So, this much just to say that I like the story and how you developed it
LethanWolf chapter 24 . 9/30/2016
I know you probably don't come on this site anymore but Imma review anyway because I loved this story! Though I think it would have fit more into the comfort / hurt section than the humor section it was an amazing read and one I enjoyed thoroughly.

I really enjoy your style of writing and I will be pulling inspiration from some of your adjectives towards the duo, this was truly an impeccable read and I thank you so much for taking all the time to complete this~
Who Cares if it's Canon chapter 24 . 8/21/2016
This was beutiful.
Maria chapter 24 . 5/22/2016
Oh my God, that was BRILLIANT. It was AMAZING. It was- It was- I'm at loss for words! Seriously! You're such an amazing writer, and those are rare these days. That was the best IchiHitsu fanfic I have ever read. Don't EVER stop writing. XD
Guest chapter 24 . 10/17/2015
Amazing. This is the best read I have ever had on this site. Completely realistic. It was enthralling to say the least. Descriptive, yet not excessive. Pardon my ignorance in the name of this style of writing, but I feel the need to express just how astounding it is for me to have come across such skillful use of flashbacks and various mood setters in your for-shadowing and keeping me hooked, few people can achieve what you have done to such an extent. I hope you continue writing and share your talent.
NicoleBL chapter 24 . 9/9/2015
Yayy, happy IchiHitsu ending : 'D I love the ending, so much! It brought tears to my eyes, the last IchiHitsu scene was so sweet and lovely, and gosh, the ending with gin was so bittersweet but beautiful! Makes me happy to see that no matter what he did and hurt Toushiro before, he really loved him, so much that he finally let go of him to someone he'll find happiness with other than himseld T.T.. wow, seriously.. makes me want to cry.
I enjoyed the this fiction so much, throughout all the angst, fluff, and smut! I loved everything, it's a very beautiful story :') Thank you for doing it and finishing it! You did an amazing job with it.: D
junjou romantica luva chapter 5 . 12/8/2014
Ooooooooo. Drunkin toshi. How will dis turn out
Wolfcarnage chapter 24 . 11/25/2014
Holy fish flakes that was an amazing flipping story!
Angel Fantasy chapter 3 . 11/21/2014
I went and read the lemon part on lj and I must say that you've done a very good job on it. Granted Ichimaru was an ass in it and his attitude kind of pissed me off (which makes me understand why Toshiro broke up with him), but Toshiro's overall reactions were very IC and arousing. Poor guy though, to have to suffer such heart-breaking abuse during sex... Hopefully he'll have the same reactions but with a much more gentle and caring lover, one that won't see him as a mere conquest. That carrot-top better do it right...
Catastrophic Monsoon chapter 24 . 3/13/2014
Wooow what a journey! Haha I'm so glad you managed to finish this :) great job!
your biggest fan chapter 12 . 12/21/2013
hey i just i want to say this is the only yaoi fanfic i will ever read i personal dont have anything against homosexuals im a girl and personal think it's kinda hot anyways hitsuichi is the only male on male pairing ill read thank you for the story
Terrified of Logic chapter 24 . 10/22/2013
I wanted to write to you and say that I have spent every waking moment since about 24 hours ago reading this fic that has captivated me so much. I spent all my time during class, on the way back home, after dinner and well until 2 am this morning reading this fic. I was going to read the last 3 chapters after I woke up but there was NO WAY that was going to happen. So in a hazy daze I finished the entire fic last night resulting in my decided to skip class this morning haha

I didn't think I would approve of the IchimaruxToshiro pairing, but damn you made it really sweet. I particularly loved the flashbacks to see the nicer side of Gin which made me want to cry a little to see how he had changed later on.

It was extremely well written and I couldn't resist waiting till the very end to review :3 the lemons were great and were captivating- I could definitely use a tip or two from you. My only wish was the little spelling/grammatical errors that cropped up a few times but we're only human and it didn't take much away from the story.

All in all, I spent today rereading some of my favourite chapters. I particularly love the football tryouts chapter _ well done on an immense project! Truly deserving of the almost 400 review count you have going on here.

Props to you and I hope you keep writing :)
Unicorn Chronicles chapter 24 . 8/21/2013
This story was just absolutely amazing. It is one of my few favorites, I'm glad the couples ended where it did, those are my favorite from Bleach. Ichigo x Toshiro all the way. 3
Kisa Stardust chapter 24 . 7/30/2013
This was a very well written story I loved it very much and enjoyed reading it. I'll have to go back and read removed scenes sometime lol
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