Reviews for Just Words
loveislouder94 chapter 57 . 6/14/2011
I suppose if Fudge did do that, one could see his thouht process... Still, an interesting glimpse into the life of the Weasley's mid war. Keep up the good work! :)
ale-wholikessoupandotherthings chapter 24 . 6/9/2011
sweet. her last name is De la court
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 56 . 2/26/2011
Aw, I liked this - you wrote Ron and Hermione's dialogue quite well; the mix between bickering and affection was well done. Loved the part about how Ron was slightly scared of her in this mood.
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 55 . 2/26/2011
Lily & Severus is the most tragically beautiful of all JKR's romances. I like the way you wrote them, especially the ambiguity - it's fitting for this secret scene.
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 54 . 2/26/2011
Nice. I like the way you wrote this pairing, switched so that after the war Ginny doesn't (or tries not to) want him anymore. Really cool characterization. Also, your use of the prompt line was wonderful.
ZedPM chapter 56 . 2/26/2011
Aww, haha, how very /them/! Great stuff. And I like Hermione's justification for going back.

ZedPM chapter 55 . 2/26/2011
Hmmm...interesting. Nicely done. Not a pairing (recicprocated, at any rate) that I'm a fan of, but nicely done.

ZedPM chapter 54 . 2/26/2011
Sorry it's taken me so long to review! Great stuff, very sweet. I like that everything wasn't just perfect straight away because that's not realistc; this is very good. :-)

loveislouder94 chapter 56 . 2/19/2011
Very cute, that ending. :)
loveislouder94 chapter 55 . 2/19/2011
Ok, I'm pretty sure this was Snape and Hermione. If so, I've never really been a fan of them, but you did a good job anyway... You slip from past to present ttense a couple of times, but no matter. Well done!
loveislouder94 chapter 54 . 2/19/2011 bittersweet and sad. Very well done on your part, accurately establishing their thoughts and feelings. Present tense is very effective, too. :)
loveislouder94 chapter 52 . 1/14/2011
How sad that they were only truly twins when one was so close to death... Nice work! :)
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 53 . 1/13/2011
Oh, I LOVED this one! Both your Lily and Severus were very in charcter both as they spoke to each other and in their thhoughts/actions. Severus' emotion in the last five paragraphs is especially incredible. Well done!
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 52 . 1/13/2011
This is a very different take on Parvati and Padma's relationship - at least the first part - but I enjoyed it. You wrote such a great bond between the sisters; nice job. I'm glad you'er back working on this!
ZedPM chapter 53 . 1/12/2011
Oh, poor Severus. :(

Nice chapter again, glad to see you updating again!

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