Reviews for Love's Gift
Mark Of Serafina chapter 15 . 11/28/2014
This is a waaaay better ending than what Joss cooked up! Seriously, YES! And I love you for it, Jill! Thank you for writing such a great ending
Mark Of Serafina chapter 10 . 11/27/2014
They say when you are faced with a life and death situation, you think clearer... And how true it is in this situation But sadly, Joss loves the tragedy between them... Sheesh, I hate you for doing that, Joss!
IamTheAlleyCat chapter 15 . 1/14/2014
Love the unique spin you out on things. Definitely a better story than the crap we got from Joss...

Thanks for sharing,
Alley Cat
Smittenwhenbitten chapter 15 . 10/11/2010
Very sweet, I liked it.
Lalaith Quetzalli chapter 15 . 12/18/2007
I love this!

Angel got back his soul (even if we never got to know how that happened really)! And he got it anchored! And Jenny is alive! And she got to be with Giles! And Xander finally matured (that actually left me shocked for a while...)! And Joyce accepted Angel (even if she didn't know he's a vampire and that her daughter is the Slayer...)!

This story is just plain great!

I love it!
Jessica L.A chapter 15 . 6/17/2007
Magenta chapter 15 . 2/10/2002
I loved your story. I wish it wasn't over, but it is. "sigh"
Sunny chapter 15 . 2/9/2002
I loved it! The twist about the vampire anchoring Angel's soul was a stoke of genius. I really, really love happy endings. :)
Pokey chapter 15 . 2/7/2002
I have really enjoyed reading this story. I was on the Land of Denial website and thought I would read you Midnight Series. I am glad that I did. I love your rewrite of each episode. Please continue writing your writing is tops in my book.
mehv chapter 15 . 2/7/2002
sob,sob,sob,sob, i really liked it. A good piece of writing. Write more buffy and angel stories you're good at them!
Sazzy chapter 15 . 2/7/2002
That was BRILLIANT! I love happy stuff, esp. B/A. You are very good at this and I thank you for cheering me up. :) Sara xxx
Twilight Unicorn chapter 14 . 2/7/2002
Oh! lol! lol,lol,lol! REALLY LOL! Man! Talk about a breath of fresh are! All that tension, then finally something lighthearted... Wonderful!

Now...(really fast) what happens next?
firefly chapter 14 . 2/6/2002
cool, wierd, but cool. more soon?
Sunny chapter 11 . 2/6/2002
You are soooo evil. Ahhhh, Cliffhangers. I hate Cliffhangers, especially when the story is as good as this one is. I am very curious as to who this new vampire is. Please hurry up with the next part. :)
mj chapter 14 . 2/6/2002
wow. all i have to say is thankyouthankyouthankyou! but, why would the guy want to help angel? maybe you can explain in the next part?
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