Reviews for How to Save a Life
byeguys chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
This was very sad. But it was also very good. Most songfics are really not, but this was was brilliant.
bookworm300 chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Hey Joanna! It's Lian, my cousin Sarah read your and this is what she's going to say... It was so sad and powerfully written and i think it sends a good message. I really like how it went along with the lyrics of How to Save a life! Great Story! -Sarah

And i think... Very emotional.. you touch the readers heart as if it was one of the characters in the story! Keep Writing!-LianL.
jemi-junkie chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
Aw...that was so sad...:(( but it was good...because it made me feel bad. Okay, that didn't come out right. But you know, like Hannah said, good stories make you feel there we go.:)

Nate was being immature though. But I understand his part. Sometimes you just can't help how you're feeling. It's just sad how some people can't move on...and I guess Mitchie telling him she didn't love him really did it.:S Poor Nate!

But poor Mitchie too...but then again, I think suicide just hurts EVERYONE...but poor her because she's kind of blaming herself now and thinking about the "What ifs."

I wouldn't want to go through that either.:S

"The chief frustration of romantic love was that you couldn't make it go by yourself." - The Last Summer (of You and Me)...I just thought it fit the story.:P
Tear chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
This is sad :(

I feel like crying but i think thatmight be because i don't feel too good!
These Tables Are Numbered chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Oh. Wow!

This was so. . . I don't know! Deep? It was really beautiful!

Suicide fics are often confusing to me (even my own!), but you really dug deep and found the core of their angst. . . If that made any sense at all!

Thank you! It was wonderful!

Nicky xx
Lian chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
oh im so sad!

Its really great! u should be a writer
xxstrawberry16xx chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
aw this is so sad. I'm actually about to cry right now. :(

but it is really good story and you're a great writer!


unforgettablemagic chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Yukie chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
I really liked this story Joanna. I actually like these kinds of stories. Hope you make more! You can always randomly link me on Facebook like you always do. haha. :D
LivingInTheNow chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
well that was extremely depressing, but i liked it. it was tragic but in a good way. tragic magic, i suppose.