Reviews for Right Kind of Wrong
Mullyda chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Ingenious and Beautiful.
HonestApplejack chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
Lexy Faye chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
yeah, I can see how Padme would have an internal struggle with this decision. and like her I too would have ultimately stayed with Vader. Who in their right mind could say no to him. But, thats besides the point. I liked Vader anyway and don't see anything wrong with his actions or anything else. That's what makes him him! Vader's sickk! From his name to his actions!
Hieiko chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
Loved the twist at the end. :)
Rinapants chapter 1 . 9/15/2009




Why "Lord and Lady Vader"? Was this set after he became Vader? D: Or is this... argh.

Congrats. Only the best of the best get me THIS confused. :D
ibelieveintruelove chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
Oh my gosh!

First of all, let me comment on this amazing story here. The whole time reading I'm thinking this is Padme contemplating her decision to marry Anakin on her wedding day at Varykino, but then at the end I realize that Padme has just married Lord Vader, in front of the entire galaxy! That's what I love about your writing - its so original and creative, and it always surprises me! :) I can only imagine the backstory that led to this wedding lol.

But most of all I wanted to thank you for the dedication. That is so sweet of you :) I've never actually had a story dedicated to me before, this is a first! I really appreciate it, thank you so much! :D
phantom-jedi1 chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Wow. I /so/ did not see that last line coming. Had to read it twice to be sure that I had read it correctly!

Very nice twist. :)

Phantom Jedi
quigibo chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Glad you're finally writing again!

I have more questions than answers after reading. Cool twist at the end, I could just tell something was wrong. I enjoyed this very much.