Reviews for Cold Iron
Akumu Nokami chapter 9 . 3/21/2018
Ugh, god damn it. There's no way this will ever be finished and I finally found a halfway decent crossover. I get it though, I still haven't finished my chaptered fanfic on AO3. It's been about a year. Damn it.
DGtnsl chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
oh my gosh. What a meeting! Interesting turn of events though, having Fawkes go to a whole other /world/ get get the 'weilder'. Neither Duo nor Harry are happy about this arrangement.
patricia chapter 9 . 1/6/2015
love this story best gw/hp crossoverread yet please come back and finish it
wind dancer1981 chapter 9 . 12/3/2014
amazing story please update again.
Kithrin chapter 9 . 4/1/2014
I want to see more of this, i was laughing almost all through it.
CoO chapter 9 . 1/6/2014
I love your story Thank you for sharing it with us. Sadly, I'm stuck in boring 'olde VA, right next to the capital of the good USA. Haha? -.-' Peace out, keep upthe awesomeness!
Aldwyntor chapter 9 . 5/27/2013
omg love the drunk bit was awesome and so was the update soon!3
638rhhfye9i3jhfyeihr chapter 9 . 1/6/2013
This story is awesome! I love Duo and throwing him into hog warts is just fun! Keep writing!
Signed the homeschooled American child
Axcel chapter 8 . 8/17/2012
Well, the other pilots did say that Duo could hack ANYTHING :D
Reishin Amara chapter 9 . 7/9/2012
epic...truely epic...

suggestion...Duo learning o form his ball of Coldiron into a deathscythe HellCustom armor with Magic Flow propulsion.
Nekogami Bastet chapter 9 . 7/5/2012
well, anyway. I hope you will update sometime soon, because I love this story!
Nekogami Bastet chapter 8 . 7/5/2012
I had to comment your interlude! I was laughing the whole time, so don't say it was a bad idea posting this! It was andsome! I was cakling like mad, and probably scared my parents half to death in the process, but it was andsome!
Fate T. Nekoi -Angel Orie chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
This is a fanfiction that I don't mind waiting to read more. ) It pays the effort.
You gave the possibility of a hint about the G-boys going to Hogwarts too, or was that my imagination? '-' I think at least Q-ball would totally be a magical person (empathy, anyone?) but the other boys I leave to your head to decide.

...and yeah I am a bit of an emote person, hope you don't mind much. XP

This story is SO GOING into my watch! (oh, and if you get to talk to Capricious-san anytime soon, ask if everything is okay. We haven't heard ANYTHING from ages, not even a sneeze. I'm starting to worry, there is nothing even in the profile since 2008!
wolfawaken chapter 9 . 2/15/2012
I do hope you will be writing more I laugh so hard when the girls was sic on him. Great fic great plot and great fun to read. Sssssssoooooo keep it up,
SchwarzShifter chapter 9 . 12/30/2011
Oh man XD I can't believe I JUST read this update now P I lovelovelove this story so much, and you won't believe how happy I am that he's finally contacted the others. So... Can Heero please come over and stay at Hogwarts with him next chapter? I can't wait to see them together _ oh the mayhem they'd cause D Update soon! You have people hanging off your every word P

Boring old US of A, btw, as for country P
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