Reviews for Love in Chinese
theroine chapter 19 . 8/21
The sad truth is that you may never update this wonderful masterpiece but that’s okay, everything from the start to the very end of your work is stunningly perfect.
The fact that Itachi seemingly ditches the whole blood-related moral senses by secretly flirting with the boy amused me to no end. Sure Sasuke is also crazily infatuated with Itachi, but that’s because he’s oblivious about their blood relations as brothers, while Itachi is the one who knows it from the start yet dares to make a move on the boy without showing any hint of guilt or hesitate. My guess is that he tried to get close to his little brother through Sakura, and somehow got sexually attracted (?) to him from the very first encounter in the bathroom.
There are so many more question and mysteries that haven’t been solved, I’m still hoping you’d make a comeback one day. You contributed such terrifically good story. Thank you so much for writing.
kspretear91 chapter 19 . 7/20
This cannot end like this! Please finish this story! You have done such an amazing job with it! I’m hoping for the next chapter!
Kyeonnn chapter 1 . 7/12
Aaahhhh I keep rereading this the past few months of quarantineI hope someday, by some miracle, we'd get a chapter update- anyways, thaaank you for doing this, it is because of writers such as yourself that the Itasasu fandom lives on
liv chapter 1 . 5/27
hey, i am here to reread this masterpiece AGAIN (lost the count). I am sure that you’re not going to continue it, which is quite sad :( but it’s okay, since we’re able to reread this story as often as we want. Thank you SO SO SO much for creating this wonderful story.
The itasasu fandom is small cause there are A LOT of misunderstandings.. but it’s good to see that other people still read this story :) nvm - whoever reads this: i hope you’re doing well 3
Vivaan chapter 5 . 3/29
What! You named Sasuke's cat Shiva?! That's... interesting. I wonder why you chose that name!
Vivaan chapter 2 . 3/29
By now I'm guessing Sasuke is actually an Uchiha, somehow lost? And I wonder if Itachi knows Sasuke is his brother!

Too much contemplation too soon? I wanna see!
Vivaan chapter 1 . 3/29
I don't know why I'm reading this, but man! So damn good. Hilarious, truly. Your writing style is really unique. You should get an award just for your summary!
hum chapter 18 . 7/20/2019
Nothing but love for this. I would be absolutely elated if you ever updated again, of course, but I'm satisfied with where the story stands. You are just remarkable.
nothing and no chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Time for a reread.
Carbonaro Effect chapter 19 . 1/4/2019
This story was priceless. How you came up with it is beyond me. I'm in awe of your creativity. It was also very educational- now I know a lot about African lions and Poland. Also criminal prosecution and trials. That aside, this was itasasu gold. I wish other shippers would write mature, well-planned stories for them like you have. Seriously, the amount of good itasasu fanfic is pathetic. But whatever, at least I found this.
Shisui has an Aston Martin. You are brilliant.
nothing and no chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I reread this every time I go on a naurto binge. You are awesome and your style is refreshingly unique. Thank you for the only good, long itasasu I've been able to find. And trust me, I searched long and hard.
Anon chapter 19 . 12/3/2018
I know it's been years, but I recently found this story again and I have been reading it non-stop for the past few hours, I really hope you plan on continuing one day. I don't know how far ahead you had written, or if you wrote chapter by chapter. I myself have fallen out of the Naruto fandom for a long time now. But, this was one of those stories I always had in the back of my mind. I can honestly say it's one of the best I have ever read in this fandom. I'm not sure if you are on Tumblr or anything else like that, but I thought I would try and contact you here.

Bottom line, I really hope you haven't abandoned this one. You've got something really special here. Anxiously waiting, in case you do come back.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/9/2018
An enchanting and well-written story. 3
Lily chapter 7 . 4/9/2018
Have you seen the lion population in Africa!? It's a soap drama down there! Cheating, backstabbing, cuddling and death by teeth and fangs; just like I said - a novela.

Such an amazing story so far. 3
bae chapter 16 . 1/2/2018
playing finish this story or gift it to me, lemme finish for you
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