Reviews for The M Word
Alex chapter 14 . 3/27
Awesome story pls update
xshadowninjax chapter 14 . 4/24/2018
dang everytime i come back to fanfiction, i always find myself coming back to your story.
Guest chapter 14 . 11/4/2016
Omg Pls UpDattte pls
Cookiecat156 chapter 2 . 1/26/2016
I don't understand, is Kaoru a girl or is pretending to be a girl but is actually a boy ?
Z chapter 14 . 3/19/2015
I like this story. I started to watch Ouran High School Host Club again so I decided to go read some of my favorite fiction stories of it, and I come across this story that I didn't read the first time I went to fanfiction for this anime. So I started to read it and it was really good to me but I got really disappointed because it wasn't finish. One of my biggest pet peeves in writers on fanfiction is the ones who never finish their stories, if there was a serious reason why someone couldn't finish their story I might understand that but if someone stopped for stupid reasons all those people are doing is hurting the readers, even if it's hundred readers or just one you should finish the story, I mean you started something you should want to finish it right. So my question to you is are you ever going to finish this story or leave it incomplete.
multifandomer chapter 14 . 9/5/2014
So I just started reading this, and I know it was last updated in 2011, but I really like the idea of the story, and you left it at a cliffhanger, and I really want to read the rest!

But it's a great story, and you should definitely finish it :) xxx
Cc chapter 14 . 8/9/2014
What!? Please update ASAP!
PuppetPrince chapter 14 . 10/8/2013
does kyouya FINALLY find out he's a guy :)
Myesha chapter 14 . 7/29/2013
I cant wait for an update on this story loved it
ranchan-akari chapter 14 . 6/11/2013
Update? Please? This is such a cliffhanger!
Elaiyn chapter 14 . 3/17/2013
This story is really well thought out. Of course there's the little mistakes seeing as it never went to a professional editor or anything, but it is so much better than most. I've been reading this on/off all day and I really wish that the end of this chapter was the last there for me to read. Talk about a cliff-hanger! I really look forward to the rest of the story. :)
hyperactivebookworm chapter 14 . 2/18/2013
You've probably already given up on this fic, forgot about it or even forgot the password for your account. Just wanted to let you know that this fanfic is adorable! Kyokao is adorable and I love Seishiro from your other fic. Shout out to the other people that might be reading this comment, Go read The Magic Of Baby Eyes by this same author! Sorry, I had to...xD. If you see this, could you post a message somewhere or on this story if its not too much trouble? Just tell us if you've given up on this or not. It would mean a lot, thanks. On a different note...I wish Hikaru and Tamaki would have kids...
FallingforWerewolves chapter 14 . 2/18/2013
I know you haven't updated this in a while, but I really like this story and want to see where it's going. Either way though, I love this fanfic!
The Royal Swordswoman chapter 14 . 1/28/2013
nooo not a cliff-hanger!
guest chapter 14 . 1/27/2013
this is getting interesting! why did u stop writing it!?
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