Reviews for 7 Rounds
MaiStan chapter 10 . 1/11/2019
I loved this story. A total page turner.

If you make a sequel, I can’t WAIT to read it.
AudiLion chapter 10 . 11/4/2013
AHHH! That was terrifying! im literally shaking! that scared the sh!t out of me!
i-hate-life99 chapter 10 . 11/1/2013
Plz upload
kutiekat44 chapter 10 . 6/16/2012
Was a great story
SEGASister chapter 10 . 1/6/2012
AWW! :(
Panthalassa Blue chapter 10 . 1/2/2012
Holy. Crap.

I remember this story.

Seriously, I read this story when it first came out. This was one of the stories I read that inspired me to make an account on fanfiction and post stories on here.

I completely understand about time getting ahead of you. I know how that is two. I still need to update a story I haven't worked on since June.

Thanks for the update, I love this story, it's excellent. I'll be subscribing, and I can't wait for the next chapter.
HATERS CAN'T SEE ME chapter 10 . 1/1/2012
xXPoisonous-SoulXx chapter 9 . 8/23/2011
Cliff-hanger...WHY? (They're so much fun to write, but not so enjoyable for the reader.)

I read every single chapter that you have posted from start to finish, and I have to say that this is one amazing story! Everything is so intense, and poor Duncan! (and Courtney of course!) Everything is so suspenceful, I love your writing style (and the little convos on the side), and I can hardly wait to see which way things will go.

On another note, I'm really sorry about the break in! D:
jasminema chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
gahhhhh nooo why a cliffie ?

Please please please update !
coffeefroth chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
oh no duncan cant die!
mo chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
soot himself!
I'mNotCrazy.I'mInsane chapter 8 . 1/14/2011
RAAAAAAAAH CLIIIIIIIFFY...though I am ecstatic with the update.
twilighter-bella-edward chapter 8 . 1/14/2011
Finally! I love this story, can't wait till next chapter
Courtneycat chapter 8 . 1/13/2011
I likey :D
MonkeiLover03 chapter 7 . 11/26/2010
Gah! You must update noooow! I'll implode if you don't! Love the story! I can't find errors in the writing, which is great, it's thought through and not just hastily done, and has quite the suspense going on. Please update *puppy dog face*
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