Reviews for Foreign Love
anya chapter 2 . 2/8/2011
awww why'd you quit writing it awesomeeee

i love it . it hilariousssss

please continue*puppydog face*
IFreakingLoveYouNot chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
AWE! Why did you discontinue this? I really liked it so far :D

This was a nice read (even if it is 2 chapters) Please continue (or not)
koreto-chan chapter 2 . 5/8/2010
XD i love this so far. the way ruby and craig act towards each other is just hilarious. and kenny is fucking awesome u
NotebookChen chapter 2 . 9/20/2009
*raises hand on the ban-the-gym movement*

Augh, in NJ, we have to have gym every day for every year youre in school, k-12, and you have to actually work, or you fail, and if you fail, you have gym-summerschool. sucks.

I love this fic! Ruby is the best little-sister ever X3

Keep the updates a commin!
uncmeister chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Well, I dunno about you but I totally like this. For real. It's funny :D I like your sense of humour haha. Makes me smile. My only question is where exactly are Craig and Ruby from? Peru? Mexico? Somewhere else? I wish to know :) So yeah, good luck with the next chapter since I totally want to see where this is going lol.
