Reviews for Black Guard Rising
miss greenpeace chapter 10 . 10/22/2015
1m ago c11 1miss greenpeace
Oh man. Man. Man. I think this is one of the most engaging, moving, realistic and awfully well-done script of a story. The plot moves almost painfully slow, but with it brings a sense of real scenes folding and unfolding naturally, so real you sometimes feel the need to hold your breath and wait with anticipation, not knowing what will happen next and in the same time, expecting something extraordinary to happen in every possible way. This is a very intense story, the description is so spot on-that there are times I cringe when I read some lines and pass a paragraph or two for the violence's description is much too well-detailed, capturing the raw emotions and atmospheres so much that even I, who considered myself a dedicated reader, sometimes cannot bear to read. Violence might not be my strong forte, but this is actually compliment, because you do that in every aspect, building up the story, the history, the character and the feelings they may or may not hide, putting the 'right' words and dialogues and metaphors perfectly, that this story completely captured my attention. And I'm so dying to read the rest of this.

I think there is a lot of questions that needs to be answered, why ashe is so hard on balthier ( I find it a bit hard to believe she would initially give timeline 7 days only for balthier to hide when he's clearly hurt and without no one to depend to, when they've been soldiers in war and have protected each other's back before. Surely that takes trust and loyalty not need to be spoken, yes? Sure she's tending to his wounds and is caring enough for his survival...but I feel ashe is holding many things back and is not able yet to be honest around balthier, probably even worse than when they were still soldiers in a war. What's the reason and how come it goes so strong? And would this issue be addresed later when the story progresses? And is there a reason as to build a plot to make ashe so cynical of balthier at first?

And then why balthier distances himself from ashe though clearly he felt something with her. Ashe is clearly special, in her own way for him. But He doesn't really show a lot of attraction in his interaction with Ashe, and I'm curious where he will take it further. In the last chapter Ashe said something about his eyes looks - hopeful? Was it some issues regarding his personal romantic feelings toward ashe or is it because he remembers something about fran? He even kissed (?) ashe, will he acknowledge or address this issue also? His loyalties to Fran goes to such deep end, and I'm even wondering that if he even had something going on with Fran.

And then the plot with army of children is quite terrifying. I'm really curious as to how far would you like to experiment with this idea and how you would make it happen, or even better, how you would put a stop on this evil plan.

These are the questions that cannot be answered lest this story is continued.

I think this could be another epic adventure story, another alternative dimension/ sequel in comparison with the original story. This is so, so good and I really, really, really hope you'd continue. This is by far the best fic I've ever read regarding balthier x ashe with some real grit and the right amount of adventure element in it. I don't really read adventures because they tend to be long and takes too much time, but If I find something that is excellently written, regardless whatever genre that is, I'll read them till the end. And for this fic, I'll actually would really wait and would invest time should you decide to finish it. But really, please please finish it if you can, haha. I finished this fic in hours and I really can't stop reading since I am so engaged with this story.

Thank you for a tough and thinking story, I honestly, honestly love this.

Have a pleasant day.

-miss greenpeace
miss greenpeace chapter 11 . 10/22/2015
Oh man. Man. Man. I think this is one of the most engaging, moving, realistic and awfully well-done script of a story. The plot moves almost painfully slow, but with it brings a sense of real scenes folding and unfolding naturally, so real you sometimes feel the need to hold your breath and wait with anticipation, not knowing what will happen next and in the same time, expecting something extraordinary to happen in every possible way. This is a very intense story, the description is so spot on-that there are times I cringe when I read some lines and pass a paragraph or two for the violence's description is much too well-detailed, capturing the raw emotions and atmospheres so much that even I, who considered myself a dedicated reader, sometimes cannot bear to read. Violence might not be my strong forte, but this is actually compliment, because you do that in every aspect, building up the story, the history, the character and the feelings they may or may not hide, putting the 'right' words and dialogues and metaphors perfectly, that this story completely captured my attention. And I'm so dying to read the rest of this.

I think there is a lot of questions that needs to be answered, why ashe is so hard on balthier, why balthier distances himself fr
thee-cats-meow chapter 11 . 12/27/2013
Please tell me you have not abandoned this story T-T
Bloodied Crimson chapter 11 . 2/27/2012
I love all your Final Fantasy stories but this is my favourite. I love the interaction between Balthier and Ashe, you have their personalities spot-on and your writing style is amazing! I'd love to read more.

Bloodied Crimson x
clow-san chapter 4 . 5/3/2011
Oh god. I'm not sure how to explain how I feel while I'm reading this chapter. It seems so painful the injuries of Balthier but at the same time it's almost tender how Ashe holds him. Horrifying how great your narration is.
IVIaedhros chapter 2 . 6/19/2010
Well, this looks to be quite bad it looks to be on hiatus. Ah well, I'll enjoy these next few chapters.
Arcander chapter 11 . 5/3/2010
ZOMG! That was a good read. I got in the mood for a nice Balthier/Ashe fic and stumbled across this! I can't wait for an update! Normally jumping between times is difficult to follow but you handle it exceedingly well in a way that advances the plot. Bravo!
The Fog Alchemist chapter 11 . 4/11/2010
Wow! I am amazed by this story. The characters are well written and the plot is truly amazing. I especially love how the story is told from numerous time periods and perspectives. Keep up the wonderful work.
marinawings chapter 11 . 1/4/2010
This is a really fascinating story! I like the way you write the characters. They seem like themselves, and I love their interactions. The mystery, the excitement, the action, the drama... It's all very intriguing and addictive. I'd love to read more!
Sulia Serafine chapter 11 . 12/21/2009
Another great update!
Katreda chapter 11 . 12/18/2009
Eh, I feel like I just started reading but it's been a couple of hours already. Your fic has a good plot, I like that.
Syril Silverleaf chapter 11 . 12/12/2009
GAH~ cliffhanger! Boo...But I was very impressed with the scene between Ffamran and Speck. I can't wait for the next update.
Wings of Heaven chapter 11 . 12/11/2009
yay fran's alive. now the only problem is i cant see how ashe and balthier pairing up after this...none the less good chapter! i hope you update asap~
Hari-chan15 chapter 11 . 12/11/2009
Wow! I love how you keep the characters "in character." And you have a really really good vocabulary and insight. XD I can't wait for the next chapter!
The Wayward Philosopher chapter 10 . 11/28/2009

I just wanted to take the time to tell you that I really enjoy reading this story of yours. Hooray for actual plot! And of course, your style is fluid and descriptive without icky purple prose. So thank you for that.

I would tell you to hurry up and update, but that would make me a lousy, lousy hypocrite, since I never update as soon as I would like either. But do keep writing it (as I'm sure you will, with or without my encouragement.)

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