Reviews for Ninja's Introspect
Lian chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
That was amazing! And it’s so funny that I’m reading it on a Sunday morning 9 years after you posted it!
great gospel chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
Man, I love the idea of unabashed closet romantic Vincent haha. This was such a sweet story. I like how you showed the signs of Yuffie maturing and Vincent opening up, which really makes the relationship all the better for both of them. Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Very cute :3 the proposal was almost as anticlimactic as my own . almost. But I do love my husband lol I think Vincent and yuffie fics are my favorite because it reminds me of me and my husband if we could like ya know save the world and kick some ass.
MahoganyMika chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
I loved this sweet, little fic! And I happen to have a VinceYuffie craving right at this moment too - and this fic fitted the bill! You write very well - thanks for sharing!
littlemsstrawberry chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
Love it love it
lalaspice chapter 1 . 1/23/2012
I enjoyed reading this. I liked all the interactions between the characters and the scenes with Yuffie & Vincent were adorable. I also liked how you showed how much Yuffie matured through the workings of her mind. It was nice to see her think over the matter and the responsibility she would carry before saying 'yes' to Vincent.
Erilin-chan chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Hehe, SOOO cute! Love how you've characterised Yuffie and Vincent, they actually feel real rather than physco girl and manic depressive!
Anon chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
I really like your writing style. More please.
Sepsis chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
I loved it! "You'd be the most beautiful mummy in history"...xD
MoonlitElegy chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
D'aww. That was possibly the fluffiest piece of writing I've read this entire week. Amazing attention to detail (I could imagine everything so vividly!)- also the light tone and random bouts of humor were really well done. And no complaints about the romantic banner.

Such a lovely story. :)
hdfkhdkfjas chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
i love this story, very nicely written _
theYellowDello chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Aw. Lovely.
BlackElement7 chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
Ooh, you're an amazing author. Great job with all of your characters and your awesome plot!
V-departed chapter 1 . 9/30/2009
Really nice fic, fluffy but not brainless. One of the few Yufficent fics I've read where Vincent stays in character, plus Yuffie has matured nicely too. LMAO at paranoid Cloud btw. Overall, really well written and thought out, a great read.
S.Zix chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
My, I have a lot of reading to catch up on.

This was, again, a primarily fluffy piece, but I think you did a good job highlighting characterization with it. I would almost call this a charicature, as each character has his or her most prominent traits exaggerated. Tifa was ridiculously caring. Cloud was sort of disconnected/boyish to the point of demanding ridiculous things for his wife's safety in her pregnancy. Vincent was careful and self-critical of his search for happiness.

As a result, the one exception-Yuffie-really stood out. You tried to show a different side of her that wasn't in the game: a side that may have resulted from the Deep Ground incident or a mature relationship with Vincent Valentine. I think that that way of setting up the story is rather brilliant, whether intentional or otherwise, because it makes the focus-Yuffie's careful decision-appear even more important to the reader and the characters. I loved that!

I also enjoyed Yuffie's reflections on the roof, which eventually lead her down to the town and the bedroom with Vincent when she reaches a decision. That was fun. Further, I think that making the florist a child was great, not just from a humorous stand-point, but from a literary one. Yuffie takes the flower from the boy and goes home to Vincent. The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum in age, and this enhances the sense that Yuffie has matured in her journey.

I do, however, have my complaints. I feel like your hinting to what the question might be was sort of forced. For example, when Vincent reflects on whether or not he should be concerned with Yuffie's long time to answer the question he asked her, you make a point of not revealing the actual question. Since I guessed what it might be early on-especially with the hints from Tifa-I think that this just made the prose there feel unnatural. You can either reveal the question to the reader-and give us some literary irony while Tifa pries-or make the hinting less forced and obvious somehow. I'd be lost as to how, but I'm sure you could figure something out ; ).

Also, I got that Yuffie has matured, but I sort of missed some hints of the old Yuffie to better show this transformation. The joke she plays on Vincent later with the flower to get him jealous helps, but other than that, all I have is the assertion in the reflections that she was expected to answer yes right away. I don't really get that. She seems way too mature in all of her scenes for this to be plausible. You might want to add a little bit more Yuffie in the town or with Tifa, or maybe add some flashbacks to help explain the severity of her transformation? Or maybe just take out the expectations in the reflections. Something to think about, especially since I'm used to such great Yuffie development from you!

Overall, this was a fun oneshot. I may have read way too much into it, but I liked it anyway : ).
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