Reviews for Moonlit Escapades
No chapter 4 . 7/3/2019
I can’t agree with this fanfiction, it literally is them forcing Harry without thinking of how he feels.
Also Harry is sad and in my opinion does not want this relationship, he’s still so young and shouldn’t be forced to be in a relationship.
I honestly regret reading,and I literally cried.
annamccallen chapter 4 . 4/24/2019
AMAZING! and sooooo HOT!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
Awesome story!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/12/2017
This s*** stupid as f*** I mean you have this 18 year old kid who just got out of a war where participated in the act of murder saw people being murdered and saw people being tortured and then two people who he has seen as family for the past few years that he has known them keep trying to dominate him when all his life he has been abused and mistreated and used as a tool by people he thought he could true and then the father figures in his life comes in and is like "I am you alpha and you will obey me and do everything I say and make no complaints, now let me smash" that is essentially all I have seen this fanfic do. Let's not forget Harry's rant of how he has always been used and leaves to cool off then feels guilty for speaking his mind like a normal person would then Remus tells Sirius what happens a 5 minute pity party happens and he decided "f*** his feelings I want to smash" then procedes to find Harry stop him from killing hiself, which gave Remus points in my book till he immediately takes him off to f*** after Harry spends who knows by how long in terrible weather not even giving him a chance to dry off. This fanfic is pretty much porn without plot where when people you look up to want to f*** you let them after 2 days of fighting while you are probably dieing from a horrible cold. OK let's not forget the guy Harry was about to bang with in that alleyway, what happened to him is he okay after getting thrown across the alleyway by a werewolf or did all of his ribs break and he died from the terrible injury will never know. And Remus terrible domination issues, I know it was the werewolf but is that really an excuse? He needs therapy.
Paz chapter 4 . 8/24/2016
serenityselena chapter 4 . 2/7/2015
they will sure have an interesting relationship :)
tat5934 chapter 4 . 8/20/2014
That was perfect! I loved it! Thank you :-)
tat5934 chapter 3 . 8/20/2014
Ouch! It hurts!
tat5934 chapter 2 . 8/19/2014
Aww! Things are getting complicated ! :-)
tat5934 chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
Hmm... I love this Moony!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/5/2014
wow that was...well let's just say I liked it ;)
cethmistmyk chapter 4 . 4/18/2014
I love it! and I realize that the moony is a part of remus, but it gets rather confusing when they seem to be completely separate people... But I do like it!
Pyrane chapter 4 . 3/23/2014
Thanks for the story !

Kitty Savella chapter 4 . 3/14/2014
This was quite cute.
LuciMoon chapter 4 . 2/11/2014
Absolutely lovely.
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