Reviews for King D and lonely girl
darkhuntress21 chapter 3 . 8/24/2009
what a great story. DAIR ALL THE WAY. I would love to see every one reaction to blair and dan dating.
Marymary2104 chapter 2 . 8/22/2009
i loke it!

can't wait 4 the next!

ihope you mae the next one soon!
darkhuntress21 chapter 2 . 8/22/2009
Georgina need to go down, what a great story. updatae soon.
Marymary2104 chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
your story sound realyy good!

update soon!
BigCityDreams4ever chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
Wow. This story is pretty good for a dan and Blair fanfic. Cause usually I don't read dan/Blair fanfics but I gave this one a shot and it turned out really good. Well update it soon!