Reviews for a splash of watercolour
heygodcomplex chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I really do love Neville, and I really do love what you've done with his character here. It shows not just the love for Ginny portrayed here, but his personality and how he feels about his life and his parents and everything, really.

This was wonderful. Thank you for writing this.
applepielover chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Aww...this is sweet. I like the character interaction. :-)

There's a bit of over description about Ginny's eyes. I can suggest cutting it down unless it's necessary, to avoid making it seem like purple prose. But it it's intentional, then you could leave it as it is.



{With a blush and a mumble to Hermione, he finds himself comfortably lodged in a carriage, with the girl with pretty red hai.} "hai" should be "hair."

{With a simple nod, he watches her walk away, and notices that Ginny Weasley is still there; and so he plucks up hi courage, grabbing it with both hands and repeating the words with the right name this time.} "hi courage" should be "his courage."

{Then Hermione and Ron come, and finally, Neville settles into comfortable conversation with Ginny that makes him almost forget that he nearly ruined it. But her remembers, and reminds himself not to bring it up, immersing himself in noticing the growing up that Ginny has done, who is growing more beautiful with every year.} "But her remembers" should be "But she remembers."

{From a casual greeting and an enquiry about the wedding of Bill and Fleur, to a reminiscence of those tumultuous days, dangerous but safer compared to they year that they are about to take.} I believe "they year" should be "the year" (or "their year"?).
NLaddict chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
awe, thats soo sweet, poor neville : i wish they had gotten together.
Queen Nightingale chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
absolutely brilliant.

the lack of reviews for your work is really despicable!

i loved neville. it gave me an appreciation of the character that i never had before.

beautiful x 10.

