Reviews for Beginnings
Ttracee chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
Every time I read this fanfic I smile and wish them luck. It is just so cute.
KyoREQUIEM chapter 1 . 8/24/2017
Cuuuuuttteee, though I'm more of a KaZe shipper, but still...
Why do they have to be so CUTE all the time?! O.O
animerocks30 chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
sweet story. :D I like how Zero is more or less in "control" lolz. *squeals* cuteeeee
Aiasaka chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
Love it!
IBTeri chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
awwww I want to read more of this story please!
NishiMiya Hiruka chapter 1 . 5/14/2011
aaaw, loved it. :D

i think Kaname would make a great uke. *w*
Ttrace chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
This was a great fanf. Too bad it is a one-shot. I like how Zero is so sure and how Kana can see himself as a bottom as well as a top.
lightpathetic chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
This was deliciously romantic.

The scene in the chill-out room just spoke to me. When Zero had assumed Kaname was a player with his "bedroom eyes" then realised he was woefully mistaken, I could just picture the hesitate "fearful" (disappointed?)expression on Zero's face - maybe he was too forward? How will I get what I desperately want now? - the disbelief that more people hadn't made a play for this obviously sensual, beautiful man then the change in manner to assuage Kaname's ingenue and considerately nudge him along to their hooking up, while thinking how fortunate he was. Oh so sweet... Then the kissing and Zero having to stop... Such a gentleman! Reminds me of a Victorian romance - I love those.

And of course, well written and no errors I could spot. But then, what do you expect with Yengirl as your beta. ;)


Shokufeh Gilass chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
Kaname's just so cute as the inexperienced one! _ And he seems so eager for another date! *giggles* That was awesome.
MyDirtyLittleSecret chapter 1 . 3/11/2010
LOL, cute. I like how anxious and naive Kaname is about the whole club scene as well as how he interacts with Zero. Nice ficlet. Moving on to the next one now.
I go chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
OMG! It was so cute, and it was funny to watch Kaname in a place like that, and Zero, oh! Zero, teasing him so secure of himeself and as always so patient with him, I liked it a lot.
JollyBigSis chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
A great story!. I really enjoyed reading it. It was very well written and nicely told. I love the characters, a shy Kaname and a confident Zero - made me at loss for words. Lol. The way you describe the noise and the surroundings are so vivid that I feel as though I am inside the club. I feel as though I will have a headache or a seizure coming on from just reading this. Lol!. This is definitely a good read.
Gaoh07 chapter 1 . 2/7/2010
I'm speechless at the present moment but I'll try to put it into words...AH THAT WAS FANTABULOUS! I loved how you made Kaname and Zero your own, can't wait to see how this fic goes. Loved it and I hope that you'll update when you can :)
HaruHaruGD chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
I love it! Parts of it made me laugh lol. I absolutley have to read the other two parts now!
Pink Bead Girl chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
I hardly know where to begin this story was so gorgeous. This portrayal of Kaname as the shy, flustered type is so attractive. I love how you wove in so many of the characters and kept them so recognisably in character. It's the tiny details you add that make the story so sensual as in having Kaname lift the back of his hair off his neck because he was feeling flushed by looking at Zero. The mere mention of the belt being wrongly threaded through the loops of the jeans sent the imagination into delicious overdrive. Sometimes it's what you don't say that is the most effective. Thankyou so much for sharing your great imagination with us. I feel lighthearted and pleasantly flushed and giddy myself. I will be back soon to read the rest of your stories. Thankyou indeed.
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