Reviews for The Bella Swan Guide to Getting Your Life Back
Fastace2429 chapter 14 . 11/22/2018
I thought it was going to be more then 1 question .. Keep up the good work! Please update soon!
Ffaddict chapter 14 . 2/10/2018
It's doubtful you'll ever continue the story. However if you do you should fix some plot mistakes you did while writing. When Jasper and Bella meet for the second time in the bar, he waits till the end of her shift, follows her home on foot and they talk. Next chapter you continue their conversation but suddenly they're back in the bar and when they split he leaves in a car and she continues her work.
When they're in Ireland they get the Cullens address on their first day there. Liam just tells them that he talked to Carlisle on the p phone and after a short conversation he gives Jasper the address. But in the next chapter there's a scene where Liam is looking for Cullen's address in some book and gives it to Jasper AGAIN. There were some other mishaps like Bella's graduation -she was supposed to graduate earlier around Christmas and leave for England without waiting for the official graduation at the end of the school year but then it seemed that she graduated normally.
The slow burn between Jasper and Bella is also a bit too slow. You wanted her snarky but the way she constantly responds negatively to Jasper it doesn't leave much room for romance
flanduslover1 chapter 14 . 12/22/2017
cant wait for more
twilightromance4ever chapter 14 . 3/31/2017
Ooooohhh..this is good! Please come back!
TheDreamer xXx chapter 14 . 2/16/2017
Are you continuing? xXx
becksie chapter 1 . 8/6/2016
don't take down. someone might appreciate that it is here and like to read it, LIKE ME. FRICKING know it all a-hole reviewer
Guest chapter 14 . 4/20/2016
Guest chapter 14 . 4/12/2016
Really...six years and no update..either finish or take down...
DGfleetfox chapter 2 . 12/27/2014
Might wanna fix this " Was I really that indispensable?" - indispensable means absolutely necessary, I think you meant disposable or something similar. Just to let you know.
DGfleetfox chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Damn, that is one unhealthy relationship where Bella seems to have no sense of self outside of Edward... it's one of the reasons I absolutely cannot stand that pairing. Good of you to, as it seems, wake her the hell up to reality in the coming chapters.
Antoninsh chapter 14 . 12/8/2014
are you going to finish this? it would be great if ya did!
Sandra46 chapter 14 . 8/16/2013
Hi can u tell me if u will be updating this story ever again? Or is it done with? Such a shame as I was enjoying it and its been along time since it was updated?
Babysis64 chapter 14 . 7/31/2013
this was a good chapter as well and yes i am glad you didn't give up this story. So Bella wants to stand on her own two feet, but I think Maggie knows that Jasper and Bella are true mates that is why the comment right. Well I do hope they find the answers that they are looking for right thank you and have a good week . Oh yeah it is good that they are getting to know each other through this trip right and hopefully Bella has her job yet when she gets back to London right.
Babysis64 chapter 11 . 7/31/2013
well this was a good chapter as well and I'm glad that the coven liked Bella right. Now they get answers and so does Bella with her questions right.
Babysis64 chapter 9 . 7/31/2013
wow so Bella is going to be put back to where she was before and she doesn;t even want to see them again that isn;'t fair to her now is it.
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