Reviews for Choking on Air
Bigsis24 chapter 33 . 7/7
Hey! I jumped on the twilight bandwagon about 10 years too late...but I love this fanfic! Excellent work with the whole “Bells” bit and the character development. I stan Jake in this fanfic. Keep writing!
Dr1zzy chapter 33 . 7/7
Good story!
Tay chapter 33 . 4/5/2019
Such a beautiful story. Not gonna lie, in chapter 27 I was confused why Jake was trippin. Overall, great story.
Debbie Hicks chapter 33 . 10/5/2017
then RIPPED POUNCED THEN LOST i wan t therm b est i wan t them! aTTACKED THEM THEM AS ALL THEN Who created her who turn ed you then hissing b itten a child you die now Scream ing thhen Broken bones an d Attackedby him then Venomized good bring them you are guilty of crim es Executed then Alice found the v en omous oh god it's n ot STOPPING! mURDERED US With both then too late was b itten then with them then Killedb ring them then b rought here was dying of eight children oh m y GOD! Then then had them out biitten followed then blown was severed n ow as a undead being so they with kids were destroyed then Extinct bropught here n ow Carlisle reported oh m y god she was bitten again but with both bites then how we Liver like this then Wiped out brought here then then reported Isabella is dead forced to b e with both followed are killed turned immortal children but are drain ed then suddenly m y chasge happened screamimg Freed with them brought here they are guilty of three imm ortal children are hyb rids what followed are not tamed they harbored a n ewborn group created a army exploded good b ring them we find you guilty t'll shde is finishes he change that too late finished had a power of Mental shield and ESP CRASHED From here then too late then with them v anished then un able to have kids now with bites the skins shatteed now reborn Alice who doner to her Voltur attacked her bitten harder she is dead with them but n ever chan ges oh m y god with them us as wel then a burn happen ed they need to hunt animals thern as all of from here to around the world Exploded but with more converted followed now in to the lab now unable to see them Frtom bodies then lost from here brought here sudden ly win d a glowing energy BETAZED CRYSTAL POWER! MAKE-UP! All of the sudden a v ery most powerful sign al from space n ails clicking with all yelling then glowing then BLACKED OUTSIDE Then popped n ow killed then suddenly a Xen a warrior princes's war trilling then landed on my feet sensed danger Guarding Betazed the planet of telepathy guards over the great fire allow me to DROWN YOU! SUPER SAILOR BETAZED IS HERE! Gsp we need witnesses of her change then tested you are a Vampire slayer sailor guardian then it was too late blown freely gone on a v ery strict diet on animals Cullen s c alled as all of them are going to witnesses followed us/them reappeared here shatteredd are warriors and to fight them but the change is complete All with us/them blown from here now Immortal then brought here three frighten ed women they have hybrids are immortal children what Guards we return now then found by them you there who turned you Felix Blazing us/them them blown from bring therm tell our masters with her is dead then with themb rought here then no longer alive freed but lost from here but it was too late killed by them b ut hardest now unab le to reproduce at all anymore then it was too late freshly n west hairs grew back were more paler b ut Alice found no heartbeat or pulse the damages of our organs were too sickest then Freedfrom here unable to remember everything she is what Animesiac lack of mem ories we moved to Carlifornia then lost as all rights to dying families passed away then caused us to be a n ewest high school were not alive bodies brought here now the kids had kids an d so forth then all followed lost humanity then were unable to be killed but was not destroyed suffering from here was bitter wrathful cold stoic frosty was vengeful now as a n ew Cullen so all into America then Blacked outside then brought here then killed then ann oun c ed had them killed three m urdered then delivered a note they are dead you are exiles oh my god good god man i am her replacement but her new mem ber now too late were gone everything's changed all of it now as a cold one fully time looked young was now 159 years old in m y young body they done to you they are furious you ok no thank you ate m yself n ever rest at all Carlisle she is not mortal then it really happen ed now on board with thin gs warped to Vulcan begun learning Vulcan fluently gasp.
captain blue eyes chapter 21 . 6/21/2017
You have to be fucking kidding a mastange OMG that my favourite car of all time and its in this story whoop
Hollywood u girl chapter 25 . 4/10/2017
hahaha she finally realized what shit she got herself into. not bitchy and fabulous now are we? YESSSSS i needed her to wake up and get slapped in the face
jalla 4 the win chapter 25 . 4/10/2017
it's actually the best laid SCHEMES of mice and men
jalla 4 the win chapter 24 . 4/10/2017
haha bella not so awesome and fabulous now are you? your plan fucking backfired with Jacob hahaha
jalla 4 the win chapter 24 . 4/10/2017
haha bella not so awesome and bitchy noe
jalla 4 the win chapter 24 . 4/10/2017
i like the whole new bella thing , but she taking it WAAY TOO FAR with Edward
jalla 4 the win chapter 24 . 4/10/2017
i like the whole new bella thing, bu
Katy chapter 8 . 1/14/2017
this was brilliant. it's one of those moments when you can't help but smile
Scarlet Wolf chapter 18 . 1/7/2017
Normally I would just read a short fanfic for fun but this story is so cute and great and I can't stop reading
I love it
All ur hard work has paid off to create this great story!
U should be so proud of ur work!
Pinkpanda face 3 chapter 16 . 1/7/2017
Oh my gosh best chapter
So gorgeous
Love it
Scarlet wolf chapter 5 . 1/7/2017
Love it
So cute and love their relationship!
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