Reviews for Our Eyes Aligned Swaddled In Our Civvies
Goregasmic chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
Oh, wow. That was beautifully written. I was worried for a second at the end there, but by golly if that wasn't the best thing I've read all day.
Leopluridon chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
This was so achingly beautiful! It was really well written and I could nearly feel the grime on my skin as you described everything. You really did your research with this and all the way through it i was in suspense thinking "She has to let them live through this!" The relationship between Sulu and Chekov was so caring, protective and bittersweet that they had to go through all this. Also I thought it was really good that you made them as outcasts because realisticly they would be! It was brilliant that you managed to get Bones and Jim in there aswell! It was really a wonderful read!
