Reviews for More than Machine
Blue-10-Spades chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Ooooo steamy ;)
SandNinja101 chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
Oh my! This was great! Sweet and fluffy, yet Starscream was still in character! Well done!
Metarex chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
That was interesting concept. A human paired with a Decepticon. It was always something that I had a hard time imagining especially because of the different sizes.
A.P.P chapter 1 . 10/14/2010
Sry but I got a *cough* little *cough* off (!in my mind!)while reading this *huge blush* All this happening under dimm light, their touching and your perfect way to describe the intensity of their lovemaking was soooo good and jummy erotic! reminds me about silence of the forgotten, how the sexually intense scene is described in it. Bravo! **claps** beautiful one shot! :D
Invalid Surver chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
aww.. that was really sweet at the end :)

great job! :D
Delta Moonstone chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
This really made my heart warm and fuzzy! XD Great story btw, I'm putting this in my fav. list! :D
Wolfangel643 chapter 1 . 11/6/2009
I thought I would read more of your fanfics and this one is very very cute. You must really like starscream? :) I don't blame you haha
StarSwoop chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
very good, i hope he doesn't become submissive to her though, i'm sure screamer fans would want him to have the upper hand after all, nothing cools the female passion quicker than a male who allows himself to be dominated.
Talonpaw chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Sorry it took me so long to read this, I've just been busy and stuff~

Thanks for the reply from my last Shattered review! :D I'll tell you the errors I find. If you ever want me to stop then just tell me. xD

Extra space in her name.

"Alexi s sighed as she found her mind becoming lost once more."

I think you forgot 'her' at the end.

"It was also amazing how gentle he always was with."
PwnKage chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
This story truly warms my heart. It really delves deep into the ideas and moral of master/slave, human/machine and how they can actually work out.

Oh, yeah. And Starscream is sexy.
Tenshira chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
*naughty thoughts*

Eh, can Alexis and I change? She will work at my stupid boring sickness insurance and I will take care after Starscream in my very special ways. *r*

Oha, what a trilling beginning...Starscream is wax in Alexis hands...very nice to read how their relationship is shown...a kiss here, a kiss there...yes, yes, very fine...

I'm keep looking after new chapters.

Ähm, please don't forget Alphabotgraphy: this fic is to cute!
Robot521 chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
All I can say is "wow"! I usually don't like dark fics but your this was Awesome. At some points in the story it became borderline cute. I like that Alexis is older and the idea of an enslaved Starscream is great. Can't wait for the next one-shot!
dixiegurl13 chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
Wow! this. It seems to be a little on the dark side, what with Alexis being the creator of enslavement for the Decepticons. A very intriguing twist indeed.

Even more so, her relationship with Starscream. I find it difficult, however, that a mech such as he would willingly be subserveant. Will he have an ulterior motive or did something happen along the way to mollify his pride?

Either way (or maybe something completely different) you have my attention and I would like to see where you go with this. Although I must say, I am slightly jealous of Alexis's position right now. I know; shame on me! ;)

LordRevanMandaloreofZutara chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
I liked this story better then I do Shattered, at least until Alexis gets a little older. While the relationship Alexis and Starscream had in Armada was cute, if you want to get to the real core of what a realistic relationship for them would be, Alexis has to be older.

Anyway I can't wait for the next oneshot, Mechanical Animals. That will be good.