Reviews for A View of the Future
SumCheeze chapter 14 . 6/10/2018
Just what I was looking for in a fic after a while! It had the suspense, drama, romance etc to keep me on the edge of the seat all the time, everybody was in character in my opinion and it also had my favorite pairing in it xD truly loved it! Thank you!
trilliumgt chapter 14 . 1/28/2018
loved this. It was very real, almost like the anime itself. You managed to keep the characters true and I applaud that. I loved the hints of love between the characters. It kept it where is should be, not too much, just the right amount. one of my favs.
LittleDetailsThatCount chapter 14 . 5/30/2017
Wow. This is a very well-constructed fanfic. The way you depicted Neji and Tenten's relationship, as a more subtle and private yet fiercely strong bond is completely in character. It's rare that writers of this pair really get those nuances. But I also fell in love with the complexities of Hyuga clan politics that you delved into. Hinata's quiet strength was so well captured in your fic, even more apparent considering you pushed Naruto to the background (a good thing for a story of this nature; it would mask Hinata's own personal growth if he'd been given an appearance to fluster her) and it made sense to me that she would sacrifice one of her eyes to give to Neji; I actually really loved that conversation between them. I also loved Neji being able to depend on the rest of Team Gai and them being able to give something back to him. It was appropriate to put Neji in this state of vulnerability first to make him grow more as a character before he could challenge the Hyuga with Hinata. I'm a sucker for Team Gak shenanigans anyway and I think you captured their dynamics well with the proper amount of humor - the haiku part was priceless. Since I'm also a sucker for Shikamaru I enjoyed the small but kind of crucial part he played in making Neji realise how to use his new power to his and Hinata's full advantage. I'm also glad that Hiashi decided to do good in the end by naming Hinata his heir and go on that dangerous mission in Neji's place; it felt right, even more so than if you'd had him personally give them an apology. I thought it may have been even better if he'd also donated his eyes to them upon his death, but considering his circumstances and the fact that it doesn't take away from his final act of kindness I think the way you handled it was still appropriate. You kept him true to his character while still redeeming him at the end, as well as Hanabi.

Originally I started this fic because I was looking for a good Nejiten story, but I came away with much more than that with your story. I actually wish the Canon would have been closer to the way you handled the union of the Branch and Main Houses. I think Neji helping Hinata unite their clan together and abolish the curse jutsu with her as clan head does much more justice to both their characters and offers Neji more freedom than Neji choosing to die in her stead, but then Kishimoto has his flaws as a writer and he never seemed that concerned about fleshing out any of the members of Team Gai or even Hinata that well (more like Team Comedic Relief), but I digress. Finally, I really chuckled at Hinata deciding to host a lavish wedding on their behalf. It does seem like something she would do, and it's nice thinking of serious and stoic Neji having to give into his sweet but confident cousin's demands like that. I used to think he should have a private wedding too but I like this idea a lot better; getting out of his shell. Gah, how I wish this sort of justice you gave him would have been the same treatment he got in the manga...if only.

Anyway, overall I really enjoyed this fanfic. All I wish were that it was longer, but then as a fellow fanfic writer I know we don't really have all the time to really make long stories, and even though it was shorter than I'd hoped you still tied everything up at the end and did a great job.
Mizu Kanata chapter 14 . 8/17/2016
Hi! I'm Mizu...

Your story is wonderful!

Really, you are a really good author!

Usually, I'm rarely give a review because I'm too late (the story I read usually finished years ago) and after all my first language is not English, hehee...

But I want to give you a suggestion, I think you should add more genre to this story. You just put Hurt/Comfort in here, but I think it's more than that. You should put Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Family, and Romance in the summary (I know it's just 2 genres that can be add, but just write it in summary.) So, the readers will be more interested to read this. Because honestly, the first time I read the summary, I didn't really interest in this story because the genre is only hurt/comfort (I don't really like sad ending. I gave a try to read this story because I take a peek for the last chapter and it seem it had a good ending, Neji and Tenten is married, yeayy!) But this story is more than that, really. I get the hurt/comfort, but it's also contain drama, family, and romance.

It's really worth to read this story. The character seem so real, and the story is really really wonderful. I know this story is finished before Neji dead in manga or anime. But I can't help to think 'what if' (this is also future fic.) I don't really like how Naruto ended in Naruto The Last because there's no Neji in it (it's so sad.) So it's always nice to read future fic where Neji is there.

Oh, and I think you should add Hinata and Team Guy character at least, they had a big role in this story. So, the characters : [Neji, Tenten], Hinata, Team Guy (you know, now we can add four character and pair them.)

That's all, if you ever read my review.

I'm sorry I'm not log in to my account, I'm doing it in my phone so I'm too lazy to login. And I'm sorry my grammar is suck...

Thank you for this beautiful and epic story. Love it.

-Mizu Kanata
miraige chapter 14 . 7/18/2016
Nice! If it's Team Gai there's going to be humor... hanabi as anbu would be cool... and funny that Neji always ends up being poked by kunais in Tenten's clothes...
Broken Jar Of Hearts chapter 4 . 7/18/2016
Haha... The mention of Jiraiya here is funny...
AnimeKawaiiPower chapter 7 . 5/27/2016
AnimeKawaiiPower chapter 5 . 5/27/2016
AnimeKawaiiPower chapter 4 . 5/27/2016
AnimeKawaiiPower chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
Diogonen chapter 14 . 10/17/2015
I am honestly so glad I stumbled on this story. Your abilities in character development and plot is very impressive and this is an amazingly put together fic; the action was riveting to the end, everything tied up neatly, and that line about Neji having had his first conversation without sounding like an ass with Tenten is pure gold. The idea for the chousen is something of a creative feat in my opinion, and it took an interesting role in a rather unique and realistic take on the clan politics of the future in Narutoverse. There's a lot I can't quite touch on with my meagre review but I just wanted to thank you for sharing!
Dingbat142001 chapter 14 . 10/10/2013
This was a really great idea; the plot of Neji being blind then the added bones of Hyuuga politics. Nicely done, beautifully written too. Great job!
Cantare chapter 14 . 6/29/2013
This is my second readthrough of this story. One of the best Neji fics I have read. In the beginning I couldn't help but compare the premise to Oracle, where Neji is also blinded and his fate unclear. I'm glad this story took a different turn and you explored clan politics as well as lighthearted moments between the members of Team Gai. And you even included more minor characters like Kiba and Shikamaru, portraying them all very realistically.

The flow of this story was impeccable, with a good balance between character introspection, action, intrigue and romance. I have always been a Nejiten fan and you handled the pairing with grace and subtlety, where others might be too heavyhanded or dramatic. Tenten's annoyance at being underestimated and Neji's constant mistakes around her were realistic and not overwrought for the sake of creating drama, though my one criticism is that the first time Tenten gets mad at him (when walking him home while he's blind) was a little abrupt and hard to justify.

I absolutely loved Hinata in this. She is usually pretty low on my list but you made her shine with quiet strength and intelligence. Maybe the fact that she isn't obsessed with Naruto in this fic helped. I found myself feeling the same emotions as Neji when she offered her eye to him, and when they sparred in front of the elders and finally when her father died. It is amazing to read the relationship between the cousins develop and strengthen in this story.

I know this was written several years ago but I sincerely hope you are still writing in this fandom and that you will write more Neji. Preferably with Tenten. Recently there seems to be a lack of a good stories revolving around them.
emachookie chapter 14 . 5/25/2013
I am satisfied. The fluff was nice :) Great ending to an amazing fic.
emachookie chapter 13 . 5/25/2013
Poor Hanabi and slightly scary Neji. I mean seriously dude? That is determination, that guy have guts! GUTS!
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