Reviews for Ache
Sofia Razvi chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Oh god...that was beyond perfect...I've always wanted to read good dumbledore/grindelwald fic and you just made my day!
Lydia-kitten chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
Lovely story. I am surprised it has attracted so little attention; probably because of how short it is. People tend to believe that novel-lenght fics are always of a higher quality than one-shots. A pathetic misconception.

I appreciate the way this is written; the light-headed, almost dazed texture of the first part, the heart-wrenching sorrow and grief of the second one. I always thought myself that Albus might be seeing his lover in that mirror, and maybe his sister, as well. And I truly -can- picture him having been a slightly awkward, deeply infatuated, gentle youth. I dislike it when he is portrayed as an ambitious, manipulative bastard; it simply isn't canon.

Also, I have to note that this line "Albus Dumbledore's face hurts as he smiles." was very moving, somehow.

Anyway, I really do love this pairing, and it saddens how few good Grindledore stories (such as yours) I can find. I myself use Grindledore more as a source of comic relief in my own story, a fluffy counterpoint to all the bleak Harry/Tom Riddle. But I think I ought to write a serious fic of the pairing at some point.
Mottlemoth chapter 1 . 9/13/2009

Oh that is so perfect.

Ohmygod. That's so perfect. That's... you've blown my mind. My entire canon perception of Albus Dumbledore has just been completely written and you did it in less than 500 words. I'm actually crying. I hope you're ashamed of yourself (and very proud, because you're fecking awesome.)

The whole mirror thing... I can't believe nobody's picked up on that. It's absolutely inspired.

The scene by the river... guh. So sweet. So perfect. The details are just sublime and so suggestive and evocative and... and... I could be there. (I wish I was.)

I'm going to go and construct a little temple to you now.

(PS; I gather you're having computer troubles... all good technological vibes are coming your way from me. Stay strong. Return to us soon. The internet needs you!)