Reviews for Born to Be a Vampire
Guest chapter 13 . 7/12
I needed to laugh. Thank you
Marymary123 chapter 11 . 7/12
I love the childrens names.. Good job NO Renessme
Marymary123 chapter 9 . 7/12
Well I think I have read this before. I just love it... what is to say but onward!
Click57 chapter 22 . 6/10
What an incredible series! The interspersed bits of humor lightened the plot and kept it from dragging, esp the Seussian(?) poems& limericks. How in the world did you think them all up?! The movie references kept me chuckling.
This story may be 10 yrs old but still resonates today especially with the current pandemic. Thank you so much for sharing your imagination with us FF aficionados.
entity1127 chapter 22 . 9/18/2019
This has to be in my top ten of favorite Twi-fic series!

It was very well written and it held my attention, because when I started reading this series I couldn't stop. And I mean I didn't stop to do any of the things I do regularly when I get on my iPad (and I mean I did nothing) but read!

Again, congratulations for a well written series.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/8/2019
Bella needs to RADIATE her love for her family, and project THAT to their enemies.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/8/2019
I love the way you use the noun "ghost" as a verb to indicate the manner in which vampires typically move! The word conjures the exact movement- that graceful, super- fast glide.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2019
Is the enthusiasm for LoTR a nod/homage to Swirl and Daisy!?
campyrs chapter 22 . 5/21/2018
This is the 3rd time I have read these 4 stories. Such a wonderfully written story! I enjoyed every chapter.. Thank you!
jdc0630 chapter 15 . 2/19/2018
Reference to...Underworld ! My all time favorite vampire movie...
all of them ! Next would be...Twilight series...of course...duh !

Now to the continued reference to Dr. Seuss...I never had any in it
when I was a kid, or when I had my sons'.
But, I have a new found love for him...immensely.

Got to love Edward & his little rhymes...they are too cute! I have
laughed over & over again when he comes up with them.

I have TRULY ENJOYED the series & I hate that I am on the last part
of the series. I wish it would continue on.

Well, on to next chapter. Can hardly wait to see how this turns out.

Thanks muches for sharing your wonderful stories with me.

Jamie Crabtree (Messenger)
Guest chapter 6 . 1/24/2018
Jake is Bellas friend right? Then why wouldn't bella tell him what a nasty used up whore she is?

Jake deserves better, and whats with Edward trying to have sex with Tanya when he left bella? I don't remember that part from the other story.
Lillywhite1 chapter 21 . 11/26/2017
I read your story again. Wonderful as ever!
Lillywhite1 chapter 3 . 11/26/2017
Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
Isamuso chapter 22 . 10/22/2017
Such a satisfying read. Thank you for the time and effort you have put in to your complete story. I have enjoyed wallowing in your universe for the last several days, glad I could read it from start to finish. You are a very talented writer and I look forward to catching up with more of your work.
TrillionSchiffer chapter 16 . 10/13/2017
HAHAHAHA... I forgot I stopped reading this for a reason. Just checked my previous reviews. Saw i left a review on chapter 15 that finished this story for me.

Sorry bout that. It was good while it lasted. Just too much eye rolling nonsense to ignore. And too much going on. Fricking act of mental entropy reading this.

Im off.

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