Reviews for Breaking Brawl
AmusingAnomaly chapter 1 . 3/28/2016
This was beautiful! I loved how you wrote the Twilight chars and how they all wanted to be in Brawl. The mind-reading, Jacob trying to relate to Link and following Nana and Popo around - perfect. Loved this.
chadtayor020 chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
Love it. As a guy that read the 'Twilight' books, and got an anyeurysm from the sheer stupidity, I love any fic that bashes it.
wolfstar.e99 chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
I love this story! The whole time i was giggling madly! Rejoice, for there is twilight bashing!
Durppie chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Since I HATE Twilight and LOVE Brawl with a passion, this story really hit home with me. XD It was well written, and very funny.

Actually, I lied. "Very funny" is an understatement. XD
crazy-shy-izel chapter 1 . 5/15/2011

No mentiré a mí me gusta Crepúsculo, pero se que tiene MUCHAS cosas sin sentido, y me encanta Super Smash Brothers Brawl, es adictivo.

¡Que suerte tienen los Cullen y Jacob! ¡Conocieron a Mario y Luigi! Los envidio LOL

Peach no es la más inteligente del lugar, pero Bella es incluso más tonta, Bella siempre necesita que Edward la salve y yo nunca he visto a Peach besando a Bowser.

Y por cierto Renesmee es uno de los peores nombres que he escuchado, sin afán de ofender a nadie.

Estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que Peach piensa de Bella.

Samus tiene toda la razón, me cae muy bien.

Y sobretodo me encanto la última frase.

En conclusión, adoro la historia, me hiciste reír muchísimo.

All that means:


I wont lie, I like Twilight, but it has a lot nonsense and I love Super Smash Brothers Brawl, it is adictive.

The Cullens and Jacob are so lucky! They met Mario and Luigi! LOL

Peach isn't the most smart in the place but Bella is actually more silly, Bella always needs Edward to salve her and I have never seen Peach kissing Bowser.

And by the way Renesmee is one of the worst names I've ever heard, I don't mean to offend.

I'm agree with every thing that Peach think about Bella.

Samus is so right, I like her.

And I LOVE the last line at the end!

I love your story, you made laught a lot!

Can I translate your story to spanish?

hopefully you will answer me :)
mysteriousmystery chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
love tha moral!
Sev'slittlesecret chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
That was wonderful! lol I was on TS and I had to read an anit fic of Twilight.

Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
Lord Monbodo chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
The Falcon Punch is unstopable!

Ha! This has been one of the best stories I've read for some time. Not just a simple Twilight pwn but an actual story... with twilight pwn.
nothing in this account chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
At first I thought this would be another "LOL TWILIGHT IZ SO AWESOME!1 EDWERD IS SO HOT 33333" story, but apparently not. I was so happy when this turned out to be a "Twilight sucks, SSBB is awesome" fic. There aren't enough people who support Anti-Twilight in the world. There are a lot, but they pale in comparison to the amount of girls (possibly guys?) who go "EDWARD (or Jacob) AND BELLA 4EVRRRRR! -insert excessive amount of hearts here-"

So yeah. This is epic. One cannot fathom the level of epic this fanfic possesses. :v I even bothered logging in instead of submitting an anonymous review, not that that counts for anything, I think.
Lightning Latias chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
That was absolutely AWESOME. I couldn't stop laughing when Jacob kept calling Ness 'Nessie'. And poor Yoshi/DK/Diddy Kong etc. thinking they were going to get eaten!
Reynolds531 chapter 1 . 5/25/2010
I saw this in an anti-twilight demotivational poster, and decided to check it out due to sheer boredom, and I must say I was surprised. I loved the part where Edward got pwned so epicly (I don't think I spelled that right) by the pawnch. This is hilarious!
Pichugirl chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
-squeals like a 5-year old- This has got to be one of the best things I've ever read! :D -twilightwin! X3
Smash-the-Elder chapter 1 . 5/5/2010
I wondered how one would go about crossing SSB and Twilight. Your references to the books (I assume) are enough to further convince me to never read Twilight. This was well done.
horus42 chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
I stumbled onto this fic, curious as to what the two series (serieses? serisi?) could possibly have in common that would make a good crossover. When it turned out to be saying "Twilight sucks, SSBB is awesome", I was very happy. And the epic/amazing/wondiferous-ness of Edward Cullen being FALCON PUNCH!ed into oblivion is quite possibly the greatest thing ever in the history of forever.
inu1989 chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
:D Awesome! Simply awesome!


Even a burnt waffle can beat Edward's sparkly ass anyway.
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