Reviews for What's in a Name
derl chapter 13 . 5/7
i loved this. great idea, carried out well. amazing.
missgsmith51 chapter 13 . 7/20/2018
Well, all of this good will is definitely fantasy ... but sometimes that is what we all need as much as Harry needs it. Right?

I hope our trio of responsible adults get cracking on Harry's scar and figure out what needs to be done. Dumbledore's usual "Harry Potter must die" solution to the Horcrux is unacceptable in such a positive story.

I look forward to what happens next. Will Sirius allow Harry to participate in the TWT, or will he get him out of that mess?
missgsmith51 chapter 12 . 7/20/2018
I love Sirius and am glad you presented him positively. Most of the authors who make Severus a positive character seem to think they must make Sirius a negative character - as if there is not enough goodness to make both Sirius and Severus positive.

I'm glad you seem to have put Sirius in a more positive environment. That should make all three of our guys much happier and more balanced.
missgsmith51 chapter 11 . 7/20/2018
That was definitely an OOC Snape - not because he saved Harry and Hermione, and not because he took the initiative to treat her. I think he would do that anyway, although I suspect he would whine and scold them ( Harry, at least) the entire time. No, the "OOC-ness" came from the polite and personable way he talked to Harry, especially using his first name. I don't think that ever happened in canon.
missgsmith51 chapter 9 . 7/20/2018
I know Ron isn't being malicious, but sometimes he's as thick as a brick. As far as Molly scolding him for hollering, well ... given her loud mouth, I'd say Ron came by it honestly. I don't know how Harry survives the noisy Burrow sometimes, with everyone (especially Molly) hollering like they were born in a barn and the Twins setting off explosions. I'd lose my marbles in a house like that.

Molly's constant attempts to stuff him also show her lack of understanding of how to treat people who are starving. Shoving a load of food into a starving person isn't healthy or kind. A starving (or severely underfed) person must be fed up gradually, or it will cause even more problems. Also, if she is using Ron as a guide, Molly has no idea what a healthy and appropriate amount of food for a teen really is. Ron is a mindless eater. He just gorges until the food is gone.

Life at the Burrow isn't for sissies!
missgsmith51 chapter 8 . 7/20/2018
Dobby is, without a doubt, one of my favorite HP characters. In fact, I've never understood why Harry didn't let Dobby help him more during those really terrible times when he was being held captive under Dumbledore's orders. Dobby could have made Harry's life at Privet Drive a lot safer and more bearable by visiting him and bringing him food, newspapers, and other things. All Harry had to do was ask.

I wonder, too, if Harry could have called Dobby to find out where Sirius was at the end of Book 5. Even if he was being held by Voldemort, Dobby could probably have snatched him away. Dobby was a totally wasted resource in book five.

Dobby was equally wasted in DH. Imagine what Harry could have done with Dobby's help on the Horcrux hunt. He could have kept the kids well hidden and protected them in GH, because he would have realized something was wrong with Bathilda. He also could have taken whiny Ron home when he first started complaining and causing trouble. He could have also kept the kids fed. He was wasted, IMO.
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 7/20/2018
Skeeter is still pretty disgusting, do we aren't totally AU yet. Honestly, that woman should be in Azkaban. I love seeing her exposed for the heartless, two-faced, devious, muck-raking criminal she is.
missgsmith51 chapter 2 . 7/20/2018
Yep, you're AU, all right., and Vernon is about as OOC as I've ever seen ANY Harry Potter character. The only way you could surpass him would be if Bella and Voldy suddenly turned nice (via brain transplants) and adopted Harry. Nice Snape is far easier for me to accept ... and I can't stand canon Snape.
Cloudfire Of SunClan chapter 13 . 12/10/2017
Yep, I was right...Makes a lot more sense. Good job. :)
Cloudfire Of SunClan chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
So, guess who just read three chapter of the sequel before she realized that there was a first section...? I'm really hoping what I just read makes more sense after this.

P.S. This comment is NOT an insult to you for not making something clear, it's meant to be funny. Sarcasm and all-around humor doesn't come across internet well. Feel perfectly free to laugh at my mouse-brained-ness! I know I am.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/26/2017
Guest chapter 13 . 9/11/2017
Guest chapter 12 . 9/11/2017
Guest chapter 11 . 9/11/2017
omg i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee this sevvvvvv
btw i loooooooooove your hp storiees! they r funny and touching awwwwwwwww feeling so warm n fuzzyyy
Guest chapter 9 . 9/11/2017
awwwwwwwwww so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
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