Reviews for The Final Act
The Jasper Raven chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
Hm...I'm really not sure how I feel about this one. It wasn't perfect but, it was likable. I love how Genesis bowed to the OC when he first popped up. I thought that was kind of cute. I don't think it was really necessary to have Aerith in there. She kind of took away from the focus of Genesis and the OC a little bit.

It was a classic relationship between Turk and SOLDIER. I liked the fact that a Turk was in the Study Group. X) Shows that they actually have social lives. XD Despite the few mistakes here and there, I think overall I liked it. It was a cute concept. Good job.

RandomPerson535 chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
really need some genesisxoc fics! great btw .
Chiiharu chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
Daw. Why didn't you tell me you wrote this? TT_TT This was like a shot in the dark; I would have never even known of its existence if I didn't try to clean out my PMs. XD This was beautiful. Just completely beautiful. I got all giddy when you started talking about how Mireya started to feel things for Genesis.

Though there were a couple of problems.

1.) The second person. Now, I have a burning hate for the stuff, but I guess it was my fault for not reading your previous stories. I feel like every single place where you put 'you', you could have easily put a 'she', or 'Mireya'. Not only is second person against the site rules, but it's jarring to read... May I recommend just doing all of you future stories in third person? If not, first person? Ditch the quizilla stuff! :) Let me give you an example of how your prose would read if you did it in third person:

(“You wrote your own version?” You ask surprised.

“Would you do me the honor of being the first to hear it?” He asks bowing to you which made your heart beat faster.

“Sure.” You answer trying to stay calm.

What's this you're feeling? You don't understand why every time that Genesis is around that you get all nervous and why your heart beats so fast in your chest.

“Shall I begin?” He asks and you nod.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return. To become the dew that quenches the land. To spare the sands, the seas, the skies, I offer thee this silent sacrifice.” He bows once more as he finishes.

You were at a loss for words. You have never heard something so wonderful. You didn't even realize the silent tears flowing down your cheeks.

“Come now, no tears Mireya.” He whispered as he wiped the tears away softly.)

Now I'm going to change it.

“You wrote your own version?” Mireya asks, surprised.

“Would you do me the honor of being the first to hear it?” He asks, bowing to Mireya, which made her heart beat faster.

“Sure.” She answers, trying to stay calm.

What's this Mireya's feeling? She doesn't understand why every time Genesis is around her, she gets all nervous, and why her heart beats so fast in her chest.

“Shall I begin?” He asks and she nods.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return. To become the dew that quenches the land. To spare the sands, the seas, the skies, I offer thee this silent sacrifice.” He bows once more as he finishes.

She is at a loss for words. She had never heard something so wonderful. She didn't even realize the silent tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Come now, no tears Mireya.” He whispered as he wiped the tears away softly.

2.) This brings me to my second qualm; your tenses. It's... how can I explain it? I don't want to say inconsistent as much as I want to say you use the wrong tense word... It's kinda wonky, and I don't really know how to tell you to fix it. You need commas. XD Commas are your best friend.

Other than those things, this was absolutely WONDERFUL to read and find in the depths of your stories. Next time you write something for me, if you write something for me, you should really tell me so I can see it! XD
Prisonerksc2-303 chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Wow! I was happy to see that you used Mireya in this one shot, shes too awesome XD. Anyway, typical Mireya I see. I'm surprised she cried in front of Genesis and lucky her, she gets a hug and the last act lol. I'm also surprised at Rox not bugging her like always XD. Wonderful job, keep it up! Loved it!
bankai18 chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
i really wanted you to continue this story too bad its a really good..xx