Reviews for Parchment
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
Oh my word. I'd never thought of it like that. You are so right. That's a really powerful image. I love the way you set it up. Your wording is beautiful and really hits hard at the end. wow.
janrockiss chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
:D A fantastic story!
BreathexFreely chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
gosh.. I love this..
MarciKupo chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Very interesting. It gave me shivers when I realized what Lavi was hinting at. The drabble was very elegantly written and styled, yet concise and to the point. It felt suited for a Bookman's thoughts.

But for the record, Lavi, I'd like to say, I always look at the paper of a book before a read it ;P
Random Clone chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
AH, sadness! But so good, and so in-character for Lavi, the sweetheart. I really enjoyed this!
Professor of Pig-latin chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
aw... so sad. kinda depressing. :'(
Maydn chapter 1 . 10/14/2009
And again you've got such an interesting idea. The bookman-paper comparision is really clever, and I like how you built it up with Allen, as the logical conclusion from the whole exorcist-ink comparison we know. I would have liked to see that a bit more drawn out, actually. Maybe just because I'm interested in the tragedy of being a bookman, but I think this would have been even more awesome with some more scenes like that first one. A scene with Bookman himself might have been interesting, too. (Does he feel the same? Does he even understand Lavi's sentiments?) That could have build up some more interest in Lavi's special behavior - before you finally give that explanation... Just a thought. Anyway, I really liked it! (I like your writing in general very much.)
winegoldsayuri chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
Wow, now this was a really interesting view of the whole Bookman thing. I've read a lot about how the exorcists are just ink on paper, but the Bookmen representing the parchment is new. I like the concept. :) It's true and logical (wonder why no one else has thought of it like that until now). I guess even if the text itself is the main point of the records (to be kept formal and unbiased) and Bookmen shouldn't exist, every one of them adds his own style and touch to it. Be it phrasing, handwriting or the paper used for the records. (And yeah, Lavi must've practised a lot for a nice handwriting, I bet Panda-chan made sure of that. *giggles*)

Nyah, sorry for babbling so much. The underlying angst of it all was a nice touch too. It's short but it's okay that way. I don't often write such "relatively long" reviews for such short stories. :)

(I had a little writing flash at 04:26 am because of this XD)
sorakomoon chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
I love how Lavi compares Bookmen to parchment. Good writing.
waterlit chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
short, but sad D:

poor lavi sighs.

nice fic, anyway!
PleaseDeleteThisFFNAccount chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Awesome comparison! Great job! :]

hey, but shouldn't it be "Lavi never threw away paper" or "The Bookman's Junior never threw away paper"? (

"Lavi Bookman's Junior" implies that Lavi has a junior or a child, which doesn't make sense. . . :]
A.E.Snooks chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Whoa deep, sad, and an absolutely amazing read. Can't wait for more stories*grins.* Awesome job.

