Reviews for Total Drama Virtual
The Codemeister chapter 22 . 9/28/2009
well i'm sorry to hear that you are discontinuing this, but i still loved how you ended this chapter, with Lindsay driving a monster truck like first time driver, it truly is a scary thought, lindsay driving any type of motor viehicle. HAHAHAH Lindsay ran over the virtual Eva
sk8inpiro21 chapter 21 . 9/15/2009
sk8inpiro21 chapter 14 . 9/15/2009
Enigma Dragon Warrior chapter 2 . 9/12/2009
Yay for Chris bashing!
Enigma Dragon Warrior chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Jeez, Chris is evil. I'm starting to read this story and it seems good so far.
The Codemeister chapter 21 . 9/11/2009
haha Awesome chapter, i feel bad for Bridgette, one of my top 5 fav characters, being teased for her love of nature by noah and heather.

Yay for izzy, although i thought she'd have been the first to choose the monster truck
The Codemeister chapter 5 . 9/7/2009
haha i'm going to really enjoy this chapter, Cody and Bridge's epic battle was soo cool, noah is doing well, so is izzy taking down trent, gwen, harold, and heather.

aw poor noah and cody being taken down.
CelesteSky598 chapter 19 . 8/30/2009
haha yea u used my idea thanks heehee update soon
Anon chapter 18 . 8/19/2009
It has to be Owen!
CelesteSky598 chapter 17 . 8/16/2009
WOT heehee thanks first time anyone ever dedicated any thing to mee haha any way I love the video game challenege I love video games btw how did u no I was a girl any way I hope u update soon within the next 2 weeks cause after that school starts again and this year I have to do my homework so I can pass haha yea so update soon )
CelesteSky598 chapter 14 . 8/3/2009
Wow Jacob is such an asshole I just want to ring is neck out and Lindsey was so cool in this chapter she scared the shit out of Jacob and it kind of sucks that bridgette and geoff broke up but w/e so so far 5 couples have broken up if u include H/L can't spell her name so I didn't even try I never would have noticed that if pinkie hadn't brought it up any way update soon
CelesteSky598 chapter 12 . 8/2/2009
that last chapter was great i loved it was really funny

update soon plzz
boob tube watcher3452 chapter 9 . 7/31/2009
sweet story man like the sadie/ezekiel thing
CelesteSky598 chapter 5 . 7/30/2009
Wow I love the idea virtual world the whole time and u can feel pain that makes it even better I hope Bridgette and Gwen don't get votes off there my two favs can u like develop a realationshop between them like best friends I hope things get really exciting

oh and the part in the last chapter I think when pinkie said her master died gave me an idea since it's virtual and since Chris is an evil asshole u should have a challenge where he brings back the dead like make it up everyone one has lost someone and he brings them back and they have to fight them one on one, one at a time so everyone can watch each match and the ones who win there match get imunity I mean who hard would it be if someone had to fight a dead loved one

Idk y but I always had the impression that bridgettes dad was dead and gwens dad seems to be dead Trent grandfather maybe izzys dad and pinkies master that would be intresting idk make them up it could be intresting

any way I like so far what's up with lindsay and y is Bridgette so pissed at geoff